Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jeudi, soleil et pluie...

There were a ton of reminders that went out this morning, here's the list!

1. Get yearbook grad comments handed-in.
2. Arowhon slide show for parents, 6pm Tuesday, May 5th, Winona staff room.
3. Arowhon money due tomorrow.
4. Folders with all assignments must be handed-in.
5. Work on "Il fait quoi ton papa" short story and questions.
6. Choose Francophone country for project.
7. Do some research for Canadian industry project.
8. Smile in class.
Today students had a chance to work on their questions for "Il fait quoi ton papa". Martin was working hard. Monsieur Wanie clarified some students understanding of "Monster on demand"... it was that kind of day...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mercredi, le soleil en mi-semaine!

This morning started off decently with several students coming early to hand in their "Histoire Collage" folders and portraits... and in class, Monsieur Wanie repeated the list of assignments that need doing and handing-in...

Both 86 and 87 started reading a short story called: "Il fait quoi ton papa?". Students will be answering questions based on it and will be preparing their own short story in a similar style to the one presented... starting today!

And of course, it wouldn't be mid-week at Winona without the constant interruptions about something... in this case grad photo retakes and team photos! Hopefully, all students wore their best smiles so they look good in the yearbook!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mardi sous la pluie.

At 8 this morning, there were students in class working away on their Histoire folders, begging for extensions, making up wonderful excuses... now THAT makes Monsieur Wanie happy!

In class, students are working on their Canadian Historical Figure portraits and blurbs. Most are coming along very well... The due-date is tomorrow!

Just an e-heads-up... Each student or group of two students, must choose a Francophone (That's a french-speaking...) country for the up-coming oral presentation project. Monsieur Wanie would like all students to have chosen their countries by Friday at the very latest.

Reminders/checklist for 86 and 87:
Purple notebook with French folder must be handed-in.
All "Histoire" chapters up to and including #13 must be handed-in.
1:87 scale house project must be handed-in.
Primary, secondary,or tertiary Canadian industry must be chosen.
Positive attitude must be brought to class.

PS Elvino, no problemo! Thanks for asking on the blog and see you tomorrow!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lundi et le soleil brille!

Monday back from a great weekend... it's always tough to get going again workwise... at least it is as far as 86 and 87 are concerned! Out of 60 students, Monsieur Wanie has a "pile" of 8 assignments! Just a reminder, Monsieur Wanie thinks that every student in his classes is a great kid with tons of potential. There isn't a single student who wouldn't have been hand picked to make the class an amazing group... Now get to work!!!! Tomorrow morning, there should be a line down the hall of students with imaginative excuses as to why their work is incomplete and not in on time! Monsieur Wanie warned that third term would be a push... There's little time left in the year to mess around. There are some really fun and important assignments to get done before June so that after Arowhon there can be some cool-down time before grad!Today, students started work on a cross-curricular assignment... in part, it includes sumarizing the life and importance of 30 Canadian historical figures and drawing their portrait using pencil-line shading... (Here's Johnny!)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Vendredi le soleil ou la pluie?

Well, the talent show was a bit of a surprise... there were some great acts between the uncomfortably ill-conceived "booty-shaking" routines... Congrats to students who succeeded in making the show more than just "dancing"...

So today, in class, students received some help with the "Histoire Chapitre 13" questions. This last chapter of the textbook brings us up to the present... Students will be continuing the "Histoire" program this term with material and projects that Monsieur Wanie has found of interest... There will be several oral presentations with French oral and art components.

Students must remember that the collage folder and "Histoire Chapitre 13" are both due on Monday! A reminder too that the collage folder must be of images related to the "Histoire" program and must be cut from newspapers, flyers, or magazines and NOT printed out from down-loaded internet research. This is different from the collage asked for in question 3 of ATC in chapter 13 that asks for a collage related to Multiculturalism in Canada!

Bon weekend tout le monde!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jeudi, le beau temps arrive!

Today is another mess of a day! There are students everywhere but in class and on task! Aaargh! Monsieur Wanie is worried that a week has passed and due-dates have just been pushed aside in favour of the "Talent" show! This is just a reminder to students that although the "Show" is sure to play an important role in the socio-emotional development of each student... a failing grade on a single assignment will pose a big problem for the third term report! Wanie's rant over.

Today, the students that were in class, worked on "Histoire Chapitre 13" to delve into what makes Canada a multicultural society and how encouraging the diversity within it is important. They looked at how some First Nations tribes have been able to get restitution for the loss of their land in the late 1800s. Students investigated how Canadian inventions and innovations have pushed the boundaries of technology and taken us into space.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mercredi gris!

So, in preparation for the "Talent" show, students are scattered around the school practicing their "routines". It's been a bit difficult in the last few weeks, getting all students focused on the due-dates so there's ANOTHER change! "Histoire Chapitre 13" and the "Fichier de Collage Historique" are BOTH due on Monday 27th April.

Anyway, today the French folder is due. Several students have already come in to ask for extensions. Students are asked to keep in mind that classwork comes first!

And speaking of classwork, 86 and 87 worked today to understand the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords... Tough stuff in the "Histoire" textbook!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

C'est mardi et il fait gris!

Today students in 86 and 87 are scampering to finish up the French folder that is due tomorrow!

There are quite a few assignments due this week and lots of pressure on students to perform! Many students have overdue assignments that haven't been handed in as well!

Summer is really only 2 months away so there are lots of things to get done between now and then just to get ready for the whole high school thing!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Aujourd'hui, il pleut... et c'est lundi!

Today, students were to hand in "Histoire, Chapitre 12"... Quite a few students in 86 and 87 came up short on that expectation! And what's more is that there wasn't a single student in for extra help getting their assignment completed this morning! Will there will be a huge revelation when the marks come out at the end of term 3... and will it be a surpise to some? Wait to find out!

Students have the French folder to work on today as it's due on Wednesday...

Today students were assigned an "Histoire collage" project due on Friday with the latest (and last!) "Histoire" chapter of the text book posted below:

"Histoire: Chapitre 13"
VTC: #1, 2, 4
ATC: #1, 3, 6
a rendre vendredi le 24 avril.

Friday, April 17, 2009

C'est vendredi!

Students worked today on their French folders... which are due on Wednesday 22nd April. A small extension to the due date because Paul is celebrating Greek Easter this weekend...
This afternoon, students had a chance to work on the "Histoire Chapitre 12" due on Monday!

Classes 86 and 87 must make sure to do some initial research on their Canadian industry this weekend!

And if students STILL have not handed in the 1:87 scale house, get on it!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jeudi, le soleil brille!

Well, it's finally feeling like spring! Such a nice day!

A perfect day, in fact, for the Honour Roll assembly! Monsieur Wanie is thrilled that so many students in 86 and 87 were called to the front to be recognized!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie gave a lecture on "Histoire CHapitre 12" about Canada's involvement in WWI.

This afternoon, classes 86 and 87 chose to have the "Histoire Chapitre 12" due date moved up to Monday 20th April!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mercredi, il fait beau!

So yesterday, Monsieur Wanie was none too pleased to see that more than 3/4 of the class didn't hand in the "Histoire Chapitre 11" or the 1:87 scale house! Students! Get your due dates under control! This is third term! Monsieur Wanie has promised to be more picky (is that possible?) about getting assignments in on time! Oh, and the classroom "chattyness"! Students who refuse to cut down on the unfocussed chatter will be scheduled for lunchtime "meetings"!

This morning, students in classes 86 and 87 worked on their French folders. Classes worked on getting their answers completed and corrected for "Chapitre 8: A la banque".

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Histoire Chapitre 12" questions due on Friday 24th April. There will be an important lecture on the chapter tomorrow morning so students should plan to be in class and awake! : )

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mardi, le retour.

Hopefully all students had a great four-day weekend!

It's back to work in a big way at Winona, what with the "Histoire Chapitre 11" and the 1:87 scale house project due today!

The French folder is due soon too. And the latest "Histoire" chapter is posted below!

"Histoire Chapitre 12"
VTC: 1, 2, 5, 7
ATC: 3
a rendre vendredi 24 avril

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jeudi ensoleillé! Presque le printemps!

Today, students were awarded some extra time for the "Histoire Chapitre 11". The extension given stretches to Tuesday, 14th April. Students must keep in mind that the 1:87 scale house projects are also due on Tuesday, 14th April! It's a four day weekend, so there is lots of time to get work done... unless students leave it until Monday night!

Students in 86 and 87 had their surprise test on chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7. It looked like most student were attentive to their work and did well!

Hopefully, all students have a great extended weekend to chill, celebrate, play outside, rot teeth with too much dark chocolate... (oh, maybe that last one only applies to Monsieur Wanie). Anyway, a safe and fun long weekend to all!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mercredi, la mi-semaine!

This morning, students worked on their new French folders.

It's a bit of a crazy day because Monsieur Wanie has had the fortunate job of coaching the swim team... that made the finals at Riverdale!!! So for part of the morning and all of the afternoon, 86. 87, and 83 are in the care of a supply-teacher... students are working dillegently on their 1:87 scale house projects due on Tuesday, April 14th! And Monsieur Wanie is taking 24 swimmers across the city to compete in the best high-school pool there is!

86 and 87, remember that during your computer period, you should be researching for your "Canadian Industry" project!

And be sure to read the blog EVERY day! If you miss a day, it would be wise to go back and read-up!

The proud coach! Good job Team!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

C'est toujours mardi le 7 avril!

So, here's hoping that all students have read the previous post, and that classes can move onwards and upwards! 

Today, Monsieur Wanie went through the "Histoire Chapitre 11" questions that are due on Thursday. It's a tough chapter and a tighter due-date, students beware! 

And Students in 86 and 87 also received their new "Français" chapters, 8, 9 and 10 in one folder! There is a lot of work to do! Oh, and for the faithful blog readers, here's a heads-up... pop-quiz on "Français" chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 this Thursday! 

Quite a few students were not swimming today in Pool class... students, keep in mind that if you refuse to participate in pool, your trip to Arowhon may be in jeopardy!

Aujourd'hui c'est mardi le 7 avril... on dirait novembre!

This morning, students woke up to an April morning that looked more like November! And, this might be a coincidence, but Monsieur Wanie had to deal with some bullying issues that usually get resolved by November in the school-year, never to re-appear. A reminder to students, that bullying of any sort is NOT tolerated. As students of Winona P.S. Senior, it is one of the expectations that there be NO put-downs and NO name-calling, on-line or otherwise, and  that you be respectful and considerate of all people and property. Consequences of inappropriate student behaviour in the above-mentioned situation may include suspensions of between 1 and 19 days. These consequences are clearly outlined in the Toronto District School Board's Student Code of Behaviour as explained by teachers at the beginning of the year and as outlined in students' agendas. Monsieur Wanie would be more than happy to help any student that needs clarification on these matters.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lundi, c'est le mois d'avril et il neige!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 had to hand-in their "Histoire Chapitre 10" and in class, worked on "Chapitre 11" and the definitions to the "Mots clés" (key works).

"Histoire Chapitre 11" is due on Thursday, April 9th... posted below:

"Histoire Chapitre 11"
VTC: 2
ATC: 5,8
à rendre jeudi le 9 avril.  

Students also worked on their 1:87 scale house projects, most are coming along very nicely!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Vendredi, les entrevues!

Just a quick thank-you to all the parents who came by or e-mailed about their children's reports! I'm proud to be able to say such good things about my students! It's a great year! Thanks again!

And another reminder to students that Monsieur Wanie is available EVERY day before school from 8 am on for extra help or to provide a quiet place to work before the school day starts!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jeudi, c'est aujourd'hui les entrevues!

Today, or rather this evening, Monsieur Wanie is conducting parent-teacher interviews. Hopefully, he'll have enough time to say lots of good things about kids in 86 and 87...

In class, students listened intently to Monsieur Wanie's lecture about the industrial revolution, workers and working conditions in Canada in the period between 1867 and 1920. Interesting stuff, no?

Students also had time to work on their 1:87 scale houses... Lots of students brought cardboard and have done some good work so far!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

C'est mercredi aujourd'hui! Le premier avril!

So, it's April 1st today!

Students in 86 and 87 had some working periods... Term 3 is in full swing! 

Today was the due-date for the 1:87 scale house drawings! Students are starting to build their projects is 3D! Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to seeing what the new neighbourhood is going to look like! Students need to remember to bring in some corrugated cardboard! 

The "Histoire Chapitre 10" is due on Monday, there were a few students in early this morning for extra help.