It looks like everyone in 86 and 87 will be going on to high school... so this will be the last post for the year!
Monsieur Wanie just wanted to say... (and I'll write in the first person) that I am extremely proud of each and every one of you. Sometimes it took talking softly, sometimes I may have raised my tone or "been in your spokes", but at every point during the year, my goals were to provide a safe learning environment and a good grade 8 experience for you all... hopefully I was at least moderately successful!
You were easily the best two classes I have ever had the pleasure of teaching, and for that I owe you my thanks. It was an honour to be your homeroom teacher this year. I will miss you.
Okay, back to gruff Monsieur Wanie barking orders: Students, have a fantastic summer! Stay out of trouble but play hard! Then, simmer down and have a great time at high school... And come back in the fall to say hey!
Your Wanie