Friday, October 29, 2010

Vendredi, vent, gris, froid.

This morning students in 87 had their class-read of "Le galop du templier". Monsieur Wanie discussed every possible aspect of the book in hopes that all students will ace the test!

As well, students in 87 had their marked 1:87th scale triangle assignments handed back. There were some very good artwork! (See below!)

In the afternoon, students in 86 handed-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignments and everyone proceeded to the Halloween dance.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jeudi en octobre.

Today, 87 handed-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignment.

Students had more time to read "Le galop du templier" and in the afternoon, 86 had their class-read discussion with Monsieur Wanie.

Tomorrow, 86 must hand-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignment.

Both classes received their "community plan" back, almost everyone was awarded high marks... good job kids! There were some great ideas!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mercredi, le soleil et le vent.

Whoo, hoo! Another busy day! Must be the wind...

Anyway, both 86 and 87 had reading periods to have some time with the lates novel: "Le Galop du Templier". It's a tough one this time. So, students, if you need help before the class-read, come in early!

As well today, students had a last class opportunity to work on the 1:87th scale triangle assignment... it's due tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mardi gris, la pluie peut-etre...

It was great to see that 87 got a start on the food drive! Students, it would be cool if everyone could bring in two or three non-perishable food items!86 continued working on the city plan due tomorrow! 87 handed theirs in today.

This morning, Rosedale Heights came in to do a fantastic music, art, drama and dance presentation.

Yesterday was school spirit day, many kids dressed up in "Winona-wear" and face paint!

Monsieur Wanie built up a scary schoolhouse for the railroad... between work on the report cards and teaching class!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lundi, gris... la pluie?

Monday... Students in 86 and 87 had their corrected "Geographie" collage assignments handed-back, everyone did a really good job on them. Students obviously put some thought into the question of the differences in the quality of life between Canada and developping nations.

86 had their pool class, most students remembered and participated...

In the afternoon, students attended a great presentation by Eric Walters put on by Ms. Banman.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Today, students in both 86 and 87 had their "Sonson et le volcan" and "Il fait quoi ton papa?" tests returned. The class went over the questions with Monsieur Wanie to sort out which, if any, of the questions gave students the most trouble.

Students also had an opportunity to work on their 1:87 scale scene.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wow, busy day!

Today, students worked on their "Geographie" assignments: the city plan and the two cities question.

There was a short assembly that students participated in relating to some bullying issues around the school.

Oh, and there was a fire drill, the first of the year!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mercredi, bientot la pluie!

Whoo Hoo! Test day! Students in 87 were the first to do the "Il fait quoi ton papa?" test this morning. It was a bit of a mess with students arriving late to school, getting called out of class for shots and a few students talking during the test! Aargh! Anyway...

The day continued with students working on their 1:87 scale scene and 86 handed-in their "Geographie" assignment to be marked...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mardi, du gris et du soleil!

Gee, another really busy day!

Students in 86 and 87 had their marked triple picture assignment returned today.

Students in 87 had their 20 line "Geographie" answer marked and returned too.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie had the class discussion on "Il fait quoi to papa?" in preparation for the test tomorrow.

And last thing in the afternoon, students worked on their latest art assignment, a scene in 1:87 scale... all preparation for the big classroom railroad / geographie assignment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lundi, frais, du soleil et du gris...

This morning was a busy day for both 86 and 87. Due today was the triple-picture-over-the-ages assignment. Most students handed their work in, several are falling down on their responsibilities and it's getting awful close to the Progress Report coming out soon! Others did really well and handed-in some great work!

Students worked individually on their "Geographie" question #5 from unit 3 and question #10 with partners...

Students also had a second period to read "Il fait quoi ton papa?". Some students are more focussed than others when it comes to reading!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vendredi et le soleil et de retour.

Today, 87 had almost a full morning with Monsieur Wanie. In the 1st period, students worked on their "Geographie" question #5 paragraph. 2nd period, students worked on the triple picture over the ages assignment. And during the last period of the morning, students (the ones who were on task!) read "Il fait quoi ton papa?". Both 86 and 87 took home the posters that were part of the presentation at the beginning of the year.

83 worked on the "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait apres l'ecole hier?" dialogues.

In the afternoon, 86 had a choice of which of the above-mentionned assignments to work on, and then had their pool period.

Students, take note! Your triple picture project is due on Monday, coloured and complete.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jeudi, la pluie.

Today, 86 and 87 continued their discussion with Monsieur Wanie about "Chapitre 3" in "Geographie". During class, students worked on a French paragraph describing a rural or urban environment and the advantages and inconveniences of each.

Students were also assigned a triple picture project. It is supposed to show the same "emplacement" (site) but at three different times in history (or the future).

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mercredi, le frais et le soleil.

Today, students in 86 had their "Sonson et le volcan" test and both 86 and 87 had their keyword and chapter discussion in "Geographie" with Monsieur Wanie.

Students, remember: If you miss a day of school for whatever reason, you should be phoning a friend, checking the blog and or comiong in early to class to find out what you've missed!

Progress reports are out in mid-November so be aware of your assignment due-dates and tests!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mardi, le soleil!

This morning, students had a bit of time to review "Sonson et le Volcan" before a short quiz.

Students then started reading the next story called "Il fait quoi ton papa?".

Monsieur Wanie called up students individually to have their 3D art assignments graded.

Both 86 and 87 participated in the "Choices for nine" presentation in the cafeteria.

And last period of the day, 87 had finally got back to the "Geographie" unit they had started work on more than a week ago! Tomorrow are the discussion periods on the keywords and chapter.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Vendredi, encore du soleil!

Today was the final day to work on the 3D buildings! Hopefully everyone is finished. If not, there's the weekend but students must hand their work in before 8:30 on Tuesday.

Hopefully everyone has a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jeudi et le soleil est ressorti!

So, today was another whole day of working with the buildings and glue!
Main street is growing!
All buildings and shapes are due to be completed by Friday afternoon at 3pm! Students, work on them at home or come in early to finish them!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mercredi. Il pleut encore!?

This morning, 87 had another period to get their buildings completed. Some students are really adding detail and effort to their assignments...

The whole school participated in the QSP assembly where they were informed of the magazine drive...

In the afternoon, 86 had their period to continue on their buildings... Monsieur Wanie even did a couple to give students an idea of what they can accomplish with a little practice!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mardi pluvieux.

Today, students in 86 and 87 worked well all day on their 3D shapes and started on their building models!83 worked on the "La derniere mode" dialogue and did some latest-in-fashion drawings. Students, be sure you have the "liste de vocabulaire" completed! Quiz SOON!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lundi, frais et le soleil.

Monsieur Wanie is back from his absence last Friday. It was good to see that Miss Ghita left a nice note with the names of many hardworking students. Apparently classes were chatty but polite. Good stuff kids!

Today, students in 86 and 87 did some work on their perspective art project, moving from 2D drawings in perspective to modeling 3D shapes. They modeled a 2cm x 6cm rectangle and began designing their own second two-part shape.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today, Monsieur Wanie was absent, but Miss Ghita was in as a supply.

Students in 86 and 87 worked on the 3rd "Geographie" chapter keywords and questions.

Some students worked on their drawing units and their "Sonson" novels.

83 students worked on the "La derniere mode" dialogue and questions.

Hopefully, students have a great and safe weekend!