Friday, December 17, 2010

Vendredi avant les fetes!

Today is the last school day before the Christmas/Holiday Break. So, some students brought in cookies (like Morgan, check out the picture!), others brought in their XBox and some games. Students watched a mountain bike movie and chatted during their morning period and participated in the dance in the afternoon.

A big huge thank you to students and parents for the gifts, very generous, appreciated.

Hopefully everyone will have a great and safe Winter Break!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jeudi, gris.

Locker cleanout! Whoo hoo... Students in both 86 and 87 had an opportunity to clean out their lockers... There were some really messy ones! Yikes! Anyway, hopefully students will bring home their finished projects and smelly gym stuff...

Congratulations to all students involved in the yesterday's concert. Apparently it was a full house! Good job kids!

Later in the day, students continued working on the French folders, and everyone got started on the latest French novels: "L'avalanche" and "Aventure en foret".

And students continued working on the "Geographie, Chapitre 7" keywords and questions.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mercredi musicale!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their French folders and had a small amount of time to work on their "Geographie".

In the afternoon, most classes were collapsed so that students could participate in the music performance run-through.

Students, over the holidays maybe you'll have a chance to check out this link... from back when an inch of snow was not called a snowstorm... we were tougher back when 22 inches was a snowstorm!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mardi, encore du vent et le froid.

Today, students worked on the "A l'aeroport" and "A bord de l'avion" folders.

Students also worked on their lates "Geographie" chapter, some of the details of which, Monsieur Wanie discussed with the class...

The "Geographie, Chapitre 7" is due to be handed-in completed in a folder or duotang on Wednesday, the 5th of January.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lundi, c'est l'hiver, c'est certain!

Today, students in 86 and 87 were very busy.

"Geographie, Chapitre 6" was due to be handed-in, "Geographie, Chapitre 7" was assigned, keywords, questions and all.

Students received their "Ratatouille" test back and Monsieur Wanie went over them with the class...

And lastly, students worked independently on the "A l'aeroport" and "A bord de l'avion" folders.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vendredi musical!

So, today classes were mixed up a bit to accommodate students who were off timetable for the music tour. Classes that stayed back watched two brilliant French short movies of the 50s: Le Ballon Rouge and White Mane...

Hopefully everyone had a great day out... or in and that the weekend will be a safe and fun one. Students, do not forget that your "Geographie" is due on Monday, no excuses!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jeudi, le tres froid arrive!

Today, 86 and 87 worked first on their "Geographie, Chapitre 6" and then with Monsieur Wanie on the new French folder entitled "A l'aéroport". Students are doing very well at grasping the cueing systems in their French reading lately.

Anyway, news flash: The "Géographie, Chapitre 6" due-date is postponed until Monday because of the class shuffle for the music tour tomorrow... But it MUST be handed-in, no exceptions, no extensions. Make them neat and in a folder or duotang

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mercredi, le soleil et le froid!

Today, students in 86 and 87 began the first two chapters of a French cloze exercise text. The idea is for students to investigate and question word-meanings while reading in French, and this, without the help of their group-mates. Students were to work independently for a period of time, then Monsieur Wanie took-up an exercise and students continued. Students will be reading more difficult French novels and these exercises serve to encourage them to think more critically and analytically about text and content.

Monsieur Ferron and Monsieur Wanie conducted the first of a series of Arowhon (sic) meetings, this one to hand out a sheet requesting a deposit for students who are interested in participating in the trip between June 13th and 17th, 2011.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mardi, la neige et le vent froid!

Today was the due-date for the perspective box project. A few students came in early to ask for extensions but most everyone had a well done project to show.

Monsieur Wanie clarified what is required in the keyword definitions for "Geographie, Chapitre 6". Students will be handing-in the unit keywords and definitions as well as the chapter answers in a folder or duo tang on Friday, December 10th.

Monsieur Wanie was notified by the office that 86 and 87 are experiencing a higher than normal number of lates... apparently, a letter has been prepared to be sent home for repeat offenders. It states that students who are often late will not be permitted to leave the school premises during lunch for a period of time to ensure their safety and on-time return to afternoon classes.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lundi, Monsieur Wanie?

Today, Ms A. was in again for Monsieur Wanie.

Students began working on the "Geographie, Chapitre 6" keywords and questions.

86 and 87 had a bit of time to put finishing touches on their perspective box projects.

And in the afternoon, it was back to the keywords...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Vendredi, un peu froid!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave the class lecture on the evolution of humans from hunting and foraging to present day economic activity... a pretty big subject to cover but one directly related to "Géographie, Chapitre 6". Students will be working intensively on the latest chapter on Monday!

And on Tuesday, the "Perspective box" project is due!

As well, Tuesday, Monsieur Wanie will hand the "Ratatouille" tests back.

Hopefully, everyone has a safe weekend!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jeudi, le froid de décembre arrive.

So today was a bit different. Monsieur Wanie accompanied classes 86 and 87 to "The Barns" to see "Binti's Journey" a play about AIDS in Africa... Lots to talk about, that's for sure!

Hopefully, tomorrow students will be at "full power" because there are quite a few important "Géographie" concepts to cover before the weekend.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mercredi, encore de la pluie!

Today, students had to hand in their $5 for our field trip tomorrow to the "Barns" to see a presentation of "Binti's Journey".

In class students had time once more to work on the perspective box project that is due on Tuesday...

And in the afternoon, students began working ont he new "Geographie, Chapitre 6". This chapter's assignment will be handed-in in a folder or duotang instead of the notebook.