Friday, December 23, 2011

Vendredi, presque les vacances!

Well, today was the last day of school before the Christmas / Holiday... Students in 87 had a little party, and unfortunately, 86 didn't have homeroom in the morning.

Did everyone have fun at the dance in the afternoon?

Hopefully students have a great two weeks off and that everyone stays safe and comes back energized in the New Year! Best wishes kids! (And parents and guardians too!)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jeudi, un peu de soleil!

This morning, students handed-in their "Grands Canadiens" assignment. There were many good efforts in the pile! Hopefully they can be displayed prominently in the classroom!

As well, students began working on the cover page for the "Geographie" keyword assignment.

And, lastly today, students chose French independent reading books for their first book reports!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mercredi, la pluie... et il fait sombre!

Today was test-day!! Students in 86 and 87 wrote their French grammar test during one of the morning periods. Most students seemed to have had more than enough time to complete them in the time alotted.

During the afternoon, students had an opportunity to glue their "Grands Canadiens" assignment together and hand it in early. Just briefly looking over them, this appears to be the best year in recent memory with respect to the quality of artwork and the amount of effort put into them! Great job kids!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mardi, le froid avec le soleil.

So, this morning students worked to get their "Geographie" keywords completed. The assignment is to be handed-in with a cover page on January 9th...

Much progress was made on the "Grands Canadiens", there are some awesome portraits out there!

The afternoon was a bit of a mess with the concert run-through and all...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Lundi, gris...

Well, this morning, students had a presentation that really was quite entertaining. It was a very different take on the issue of bullying...

In the afternoon, some students presented their "Presentation Orale". Today was the last day for in-class presentations. If students didn't present, the only other opportunity is tomorrow morning before 8:30. This is a firm due-date after which no mark will be assigned...

As well, students worked on their "Grands Canadiens" art assignments...

Due-dates of note:
-Test de Francais - mercredi le 21 decembre
- Grands Canadiens - jeudi le 22 decembre
- Mots Cles / Page couverture / Geographie - lundi le 9 janvier

Friday, December 16, 2011

Vendredi, une autre journee grisatre...

Today, many students were absent for the Tour Band walking tour thingy... that left a skeleton crew to post the French grammar answers and work at correcting them with Monsieur Wanie.

Students also had the chance to work on their "Histoire" jump-start folders and "Geographie" keywords.

Hopefully students will be ready for the big French test next week!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jeudi, la pluie au mois de decembre!

Monsieur Wanie is finally back from two days away. Food poisoning is not a fun thing to deal with! With that, the plan for the last week is somewhat of a mess. The French verb test will have to be postponned until next week to give students time to complete the lead-up study exercises.

Students had some time today to complete assignments: the note-taking assignment from the "Histoire" jump-start folders, and the "Geographie" keywords, as well as begin the "Grand Canadien" portrait...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lundi, une belle journee dehors!

Whoo hoo! "Presentation Oral" day! Many students presented fantastic projects! Monsieur Wanie gave out lots of good grades. That said, several students were unprepared and lost marks by choosing to present late, tomorrow morning.

As well, Monsieur Wanie performed a homework-check. Students were to have completed their "Tex and Tammy" assignments as posted to the blog on Thursday. Students were also to have a printed-out picture of their chosen "Grand Canadien"...

Homework, due tomorrow!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jeudi, le soleil finalement!

Today, students had their "Tex and Tammy" homework corrected. Students participated in getting the answers put up on the white-board. Monsieur Wanie assigned the next three pages in the series to complete over the long weekend.

As well, students had an opportunity to work on the "Histoire" jump-start folders. Students completed another note-taking exercise and should be ready for the quiz coming up. (Surprise!)

Hopefully, everyone has a safe and fun long weekend! Students, Monsieur Wanie suggests you get your homework done before you go out to play!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jeudi, toujours le gris...

This morning, a few notables from around the school board came by to check out how cool our students and school are. Hopefully, they got a good idea of the awesomeness of everyone and everything that makes Winona!

With classes, Monsieur Wanie took up the Tex and Tammy homework... Most students did well, however there were still a few who came up with excuses! Students take note: if you are away, it's your responsibility to get your work done. Check the blog, phone a friend, come in early, buy someone lunch, whatever, just get it done! The next homework page (due tomorrow) is the first 12 questions from here:

As well, students chose their "Grand Canadien" and had him or her approved by Monsieur Wanie. For homework, students need to write out the little French descriptive paragraph that goes with their chosen person. (due tomorrow). And for Monday the 12th of December, students must have a picture of their person printed out in order to do begin the artwork.

Later in the day, students worked on a note-taking exercise using the "Histoire" jump-start folders...

Students: Bud the spud - Stompin' Tom Connors

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mardi, encore le gris!

Today, students jump started their "Histoire" program by reading through their first folder.

Homework! Yay! 1 to 12 of:

"CBC Grand Canadien" art assignment. Choose your top 3 choices for tomorrow:

Reward video for when you've finished your homework... this guy is crazy!

Students worked well today on their last 3 chapters of "Geographie" keywords as well as reading their first "Histoire" folder. Hopefully, students will complete their homework for tomorrow!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lundi, le gris de decembre...

The due-date for the "Geographie, chapitres 4, 5 et 6" unit was today! Most students handed them in, a few had asked for extensions over the blog or in person before school this morning. Hopefully, they all get handed-in tomorrow!

In class, Monsieur Wanie gave the outline for the "Geographie/Francais Presentation Orale" that is due to be presented on Monday, December 12th.

As well, Monsieur Wanie went over the first "Geo" assignments' keywords, as well, he clarified and elaborated on some definitions. And classes began working on the following chapters...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Vendredi, la pluie et le gris.

Today, 86 and 87 worked feverishly on their "Les eaux dangeureuses" and "En motoneige" tests. No excuses, it was a tough test! Students, you must be sure to retain the nuances of the novels as you read and as highlighted in class discussions!

As well, Monsieur Wanie graded some fantastic "Korthalsaltes" shapes house assignments! Lots of bonus marks handed out! Students did some great work on these! Party at Kristen's house?!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jeudi, le soleil et le givre.

So, today was a busy one!

Monsieur Wanie helped students read through the two French novels, "Les eaux dangeureuses" and "En motoneige" in preparation for the test tomorrow. He dropped many hints to help students on the test tomorrow!

Students busily worked on their "Korthalsaltes" shapes house assignment, due tomorrow.

And finally, students continued working on their "Geographie" keywords due on Monday.