Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jeudi, toujours gris.

Wow, another whirlwind day at Winona!

Today, students handed-in their "Histoire, Chapitre 8" assignments. It seems that more than a few will be handed-in late...

Monsieur Wanie assigned "Histoire, Chapitre 9". The chapter talks about one of Canada's most important periods of growth, from 1867 through 1920. There was a class discussion on some of the questions and students got right down to business.

Tomorrow is sure to be a fun day. The Junior Achievement people will be in to present to students and lead them through activities all day! Several different teachers will be in to supervise in the morning and Ms Anastasiadis will be in during the afternoon... Hopefully, students will be at their most well behaved!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mercredi, le soleil et ensuite le gris et le vent.

Was today a busy day or what!?

Students finished off their "post-war" peer evaluation assignment and were tasked with a new build-up in order to incorporate them into the classroom railroad. The new build-up is due on Monday, April 2nd.

Classes had their grad photos taken and had a bit of time to work on both "Histoire" and read their French reading books.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mardi, il fait beau et froid!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave a short lecture on "Histoire, Chapitre 8" about homesteaders in the West during the period between 1896 and 1914. Students began working on the questions that are due on Thursday! To get a great mark, students should include information from Monsieur Wanie's lecture, the chapter and student's own reflections in the unit assignment.

In the afternoon, students worked on a peer evaluation of the "Post-war house" assignments...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Lundi, le soleil, le froid et le vent! Joyeuse semaine, Monsieur Rowinsky!

This morning, students brought all their "Post-war house" assignments to class to hand them in. There are quite a few excellent projects! Many students incorporated different materials and concepts to include trees and gardens into their work. Good job kids! Tomorrow, there will be a peer evaluation period where we'll select the best ones for the railroad!

As well in the morning, students worked on their French reading books and reports.

And students had their progress check for their "Projet de pays en development" assignment.

Later in the day, Monsieur Wanie assigned the "Histoire, Chapitre 8" questions. Monsieur Wanie conducted a short discussion to preface tomorrow's unit discussion. Check the questions out below:

"Histoire, Chapitre 8"
Verifie tes connaissances- #1, 3, 4(cover page)
Applique tes connaissances- #4
-A rendre jeudi, le 29 mars.

Next progress check for the "Projet de pays en development": Lundi, le 2 avril!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Finalement, c'est vendredi.

Today was a busy day for classes 86 and 87. Students did some organization, self and peer evaluation of their "Histoire" assignments. Monsieur Wanie has graded a ton of assignments lately. It really is good to see how much thought and effort students are putting into their assignments!

Students also had an opportunity to work on their "pre-war house" assignments! They are due on Monday!

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend!

Larry wanted a picture of Monsieur Wanie's house. Here it is!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jeudi, encore le beau temps!

So, today, 87 had a double period to work on their "Histoire, Chapitre 7". Monsieur Wanie has observed that most students are doing a great job of researching the chapter in order to answer the questions!

Later in the day, classes worked on their "post-war house" assignment. There are lots of great looking projects on the way!

Here's a good link on the Dominion Lands Act for "Histoire, Chapitre 7".

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mercredi, une belle journee!

So, today classes 86 and 87 agreed on the hand-in date for the "Post-war" house projects to be Monday, March 26th.

As well, students worked on the "Histoire, chapitre 7"...

Students, we had been talking about and studying working conditions in developing nations. Here's a bit of awful news from a garment factory fire in Bangledesh:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mardi, la tete dans les nuages...

Today, Monsieur Wanie's classes worked on their "Post-war house" assignments. Monsieur Wanie gave a few pointers on how to build the porches and students continued working away...

Later in the day, students worked on their French reading books, and began on the vocabulary words for the next book report...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lundi, le retour...

So, hopefully everyone had a great Spring Break!

It's back to work now! Monsieur Wanie had a short discussion with classes about how the toughest part of the year is past!

Monsieur Wanie assigned the new "Projet de pays en development". Students were to have made three choices of developing countries from this list:

As well, classes had an opportunity to work on their "Histoire, Chapitre 7" that is due on Friday...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Vendredi, presque les vacances.

Well, today was the last day of school before Spring Break.

Both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Tex and Tammy" homework as well as their "Geographie" assignments.

In the afternoon, students either attended the dance or went to the library.

Hopefully, everyone has a fun and safe vacation!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jeudi, le gris et la pluie.

Today, students had a variety of things to work on.

Students read their French independent reading books, continued working on their "Geographie" assignment due tomorrow and worked for a bit on the post-war house project.

A few students helped Monsieur Wanie plant the trees students had made on the railroad. Hopefully, the week after the break, students will be able to begin making more trees and get into the next "Geo" assignment as it relates to the railroad!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mercredi, le beau temps est de retour!

Today, 86 and 87 only had two homeroom periods.

Students worked on their "Geographie" assignment for the first period. Several students went down to work in room 17, while others came to ask questions in class and work quietly.

In the second period, students worked on their post-war house art assignment. Students were shading-in the windows and drawing-in the foundations and tabs...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mardi, un peu de soleil!

It must be a full moon...

Today, classes worked, somewhat noisily, on their "Geographie" assignments that are due on Friday. Most students have some great work completed so far!

In the afternoon, students began another art assignment, building post-war era houses from a paper template. It's a pretty complex assignment, with small details and lots of careful colouring and glueing...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lundi, le dernier froid?

This morning, 87 was assigned their new "Histoire" chapter.

As well, students in both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Tex and Tammy" assignment and the class went over them to check that everyone had the correct answers. 86 had their work done neatly and correctly for the most part. 87 needs to work much harder to get their assignments done to perfection and on time!

Later in the day, classes had an opportunity to work on the "Histoire" assignment due on the 19th of March as well as on the "Geographie" assignment due on Friday.

Monsieur Wanie assigned the latest "Tex and Tammy" grammar work to be written out in full sentences for Friday, March 9th:

Friday, March 2, 2012

Vendredi gris.

So, today, the tour band was away in the morning at Kiwanis, I heard they might have won, awaiting confirmation.

Both classes had an opportunity to make some trees for the classroom railroad. Only or 3 HUNDRED more to make! Students did well and 86 managed to keep the mess to a minimum, even cleaning up the bathroom or 87's mess this morning...

Don't forget to choose your developing country:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jeudi, un peu de neige mouillee.

Today, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Geographie" assignments with students and had some more discussion about the elements involved. Students spent some time brainstorming, working in groups and using their keyword notes to write down their thoughts in preparation for building answers to the questions. The due-date is Friday the 9th of March.

Students also spent some time reading their French novels...

Note: the due-date for the "Tex and Tammy" grammar from the University of Texas is Monday the 5th of March.