Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mercredi, le soleil, une belle journee!

Only a few days left until the Christmas Break!

Students are hard at work on their "Histoire, Chapitre 6" units. They're due on Friday, no exceptions.

Tomorrow is pool! Students, don't forget your stuff! And Friday morning is the party, bring your dvd box sets and whatever munchies you want. (napkins and cups too!)

Let's not forget, there's the "folded paper project" to work on, though it will only be due in the New Year...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lundi gris.

Students in 86 and 87 worked for both periods on their "Folded paper projects". Hopefully students will get a move-on on these assignments. They aren't getting done as quickly as predicted! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Vendredi. le soleil brille.

Today, Monsieur Wanie used two periods for each class to go over some elements of the latest "Histoire" unit. Students took great notes. Several students have already done really good research!

As well, classes had an opportunity to work on their "folded-paper project".

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mardi, gris et froid.

So, today, students worked on their "Histoire" units. 86 and 87 read and researched the treaties with the First Nations. Tomorrow is the class discussion!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lundi, un peu de pluie.

Today students worked worked on their big "Histoire" unit.

As well, 87 had an opportunity to work on their "folded paper project".

Students, note: If you have any overdue units, this week is the last week to get them in!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jeudi, le soleil et un peu de vent...

Today, Monsieur Wanie collected the latest "Geographie" assignments.

As well, the next "Histoire" assignment was handed-out. It's a big unit with a lot of work to it, however, the firm due-date is more than two weeks away. See below:

"Histoire, Chapitre 6"
"Les sujets du Roi George s'etablissent"
P151-181 Questions:
VTC #1-5, 7-10
ATC #1, 2, 5*, 6
a rendre vendredi le 21 decembre

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mercredi de pluie.

Today, students worked hard to get their "Geographie" chapter near completion.

As well, students began their "folded-paper" project in earnest...

Pool tomorrow!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lundi gris, le soleil en apres-midi.

This morning, Monsieur Wanie's classes worked on their "Geographie, Chapitre 6".

In the afternoon, students labeled folders with their names and forms. These folders will be placed in the "sticker-covered" filing cabinet in class. Some assignments of students work will be placed in their folders so students can build a portfolio of their work.

As well, students began a "Histoire/Geographie" folded paper project...