Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jeudi, le verglas!

So, for yesterday's bonus points:
Haddie, Xavier F, Krishna, Emma, Anthony, Katie, Jack, Tigerlily and Emily: Great job!
KeLin and Molly: Write out your answer!

Today, a full-class extension was awarded for the "Geographie"... now due on Wednesday, February 6th.

Hopefully, students liked the two short films shown today! Comments anyone?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Les devoirs de Geographie.

The latest "Geographie" assignment is posted below:

Chapitre 8,
"Riches et pauvres dans le monde"

Questions: 1*,3,5,11,13
a rendre lundi le 4 fevrier

Un peu de motivation?

So, here's the video Monsieur Wanie was talking about. To be taken only as it related to the classroom discussion regarding "Living in a van down by the river"...
So, according to Haddie and Emma S., Monsieur Wanie should be updating the blog more often. However, Monsieur Wanie replies that students should be checking it more often to make the whole thing worthwhile.

To claim your bonus points, answer the following skill testing question:

Utilisez l'inversion:
Haddie et Emma, est-ce que vous allez faire vos devoirs de Geographie?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mercredi, le soleil brille!

A busy few days at school!
Students have been working on their "folded-paper projects" due today. As well, students are in the process of completing some French grammar review folders... the sounds of students singing: Je vais, Tu vas, Il va can be heard throughout the classroom! Fun, fun!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lundi, gris.

A small update to the blog for today:

Monsieur Wanie handed-back the last "Histoire" units today. He was very pleased, there are some fantastic marks, students obviously worked very hard.

As well, Monsieur Wanie graded the latest "Geo" assignments in students' notebooks. Again, lots of good marks were awarded.

Today students were supposed to get back into the French swing of things... It looks like tomorrow will be better. Today, everyone tried to focus on their "Folded paper projects" due on Wednesday.

Students can look forward to no "Histoire" of "Geographie" assignments due this week...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mardi, la premiere semaine du retour.

Today students continued to work on their "Geo" chapter. Students looked at the economies of two case studies: North Korea and Singapore. Monsieur Wanie lead a discussion on economic systems, the benefits and disadvantages of each...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Le retour a l'ecole.

Well, we're all back at work! Hopefully, everyone had a great vacation! Just a quick word of thanks, Monsieur Wanie was bowled over by the way-too-generous Christmas gifts, cards and well-wishes. Thank you students and parents for your thoughtfulness and generosity! 

It's great to have a nice sunny day to get back to work!

Students began the day with a group-work overview of the different economic systems. The study of these systems will be a recurring theme between now and the end of the year! Look forward to an independent presentation!