Friday, May 24, 2013

Vent ce vendredi!

Check out this article!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mercredi, ou est la pluie prevue?

So, today was the day. "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel" test! Monsieur Wanie helped clarify a few points in the novel in the morning and students did their test-writing in the afternoon.

As well, both classes worked on their "Geographie" assignments...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mardi, un peu de pluie cette semaine!

So, back from a beautiful long weekend!

Now back to work. 86 had their last "Geographie" unit assigned. Details are a few pages back in the blog.

87 began working on a "for fun" "Geographie" unit.

As well, students have spent a lot of time reading and re-reading the French novel "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel". Hopefully students will do well on the test coming up!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mercredi, la mi-semaine.

Monsieur Wanie's day started with a frustrating fight with the old class computer and digital projector. Gee, they couldn't make these things any more difficult to operate, could they?

Anyway, both 86 and 87 had time to work on their "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel" novels as well as their "Geographie" units.

86 had some time to present their Independent studies, despite Monsieur Wanie's computer problems...

Tomorrow is pool in the morning. Monsieur Wanie will be at Forrest Hill CI attending a meeting but will be back in the afternoon.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lundi, un peu de vent mais du soleil.

Today, 86 received their "Geographie, chapitre 13" assignment and began working on it. See details below.

"Geographie, chapitre 13"
"Effets des migrations sur la culture"

1, 3, 8*, 12

87 were assigned their last  "Geographie, chapter 14" assignment and began working on it. See details below. As well, 87 had an opportunity do do some reading of their latest French novel, "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel".

"Geographie, chapitre 14"
"Effets des migrations sur le Canada"
1, 2, 8, 9*, 10

Friday, May 10, 2013

Vendredi, la tempete.

Today, students worked on their "Histoire", the last chapter of the textbook! The assignment is due on Monday so many students used today wisely, it was the last opportunity to use the textbook before the weekend.

As well, students began reading a new French novel "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel".

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mercredi, un peu gris.

This morning, Monsieur Wanie lead students through the corrections of the "Le galop du Templier". Students did very well and Monsieur Wanie is proud and pleased!

As well today, students in 86 worked on their independent studies and both classes had time to research their "Histoire" last chapter assignments.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mardi, toujours le soleil du printemps.

Monsieur Wanie is finally back at work, squinty-eyed and sunglass-wearing, from his eye operation.

Students worked well while he was away and completed the "Le galop du Templier" text this morning.

Students in 86 worked on their independent studies, students in 87 handed-in their "Geographie" and continued working on their "Histoire"...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mercredi, le soleil.

Today, students worked well.

Students spent some time reading their "Le galop du Templier" and Monsieur Wanie did some guided reading with the class afterwards.

87 worked on their "Geographie" assignment due on Tuesday.

86 worked on their independent study in class and in the computer lab at the library.