Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mercredi, la mi-semaine plein de soleil!

Today, students only had a few periods of homeroom to work on their "Histoire" due Friday.

A reminder to students, that Pool is an integral part of the phys-ed program at Winona. Please remember to bring your swim stuff to school so you don't lose marks and sit on the deck uselessly!

Attendees of the Charlottetown Conference (The Fathers of Confederation).

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Le soleil et le vent!

Today, students worked on their "La peur de ma vie" novel in preparation for the test on Tuesday.

As well, students worked on their "Geo" and "Histoire" assignments. The current "Histoire" assignment is outlined below.

"Histoire, Chapitre 3, En marche vers la confederation".
Questions: VTC: #1, 2, 4. ATC: #4. Mots Cles: #1-6
a rendre vendredi le 22 novembre

Some students in 87 wanted some help for question #11, here are some good maps. Although the percentages of land use aren't indicated, you can get a general idea of the values by looking at the legend.

As well, this evening and tomorrow morning are reserved for parent-teacher interviews!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jeudi, gris.

So, it turned into a bit of a grey day out...

Today, 8-6 and 8-7 received their latest "Geo" assignment, see details below.

Geo "Chapitre 3, Nos empreintes: comment les ĂȘtres humains utilisent la Terre."
Questions : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 (87 a No.11 aussi).
A rendre lundi le 18 novembre

Yesterday, students from both classes visited Oakwood for the morning.

In case you were unaware, yesterday was also Raymond Loewy's 120th birthday. Here is one of his train designs...