Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Le froid et le vent!

There hasn't been a blog update in a while, here it is. Not very exciting but an update none-the-less:

Reports are coming out soon, February 11th ish. So, students have quite a few assignments to complete in a hurry!

Due this week:
Cartes: Le Continent Africain, L'Amerique du Sud
A L'Aeroport
30 Phrases

As well, just a quick note to remind students that all "Histoire" and "Geographie" assignments must include:

-Something that's been said (in other words, something we discussed in class)
-Something that you've read (as in something you found in the textbook)
-Something from the web (like something you researched on a reliable website online)
-Something from your head (so something that shows you can relate your personal experience to what's going on in the "Geo" or "Histoire" programme.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mardi, un peu de soleil.

Here is a good link for the "different groups in the Red River area" question...


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mercredi, mi-semaine et le froid.

A few more assignment due-date up-dates:

"L'Europe" and "L'Asie du Sud"
a rendre vendredi le 10 janvier

"Chapitre 6: Les activites economiques et l'economie"
Questions: #1*, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11
a rendre vendredi le 17 janvier

Monday, January 6, 2014

De retour des vacances!

Hopefully everyone is back from their holiday rested and ready to go!

Report cards come out in a month! The year is flying by!

Today, students began working on the latest "Histoire" unit. (Details below)

As well, students were working on their "L'Europe" and "Asie du Sud" maps, due on Friday.

86/87 Histoire
Chapitre 5: La colonisation de la Riviere Rouge
VTC: #1, 2, 3, 6, 8.
ATC: #6*
due, Monday, January 13th.