Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mercredi, quand la seve coulera t-elle?

So, a mid-week "Histoire" assignment, here it is:

Histoire, Chapitre 8, Une terre d'accueil pour tous.
Questions: VTC 1, 3, 4*  ATC 3, 4
A rendre ?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Lundi, le soleil mais toujours l'hiver!!

Here's a link to help students with their "Geographie" assignments... regarding some tourist destinations in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia in particular.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jeudi, gris.

Just a little note for Julian and his classmates... that JJ Fish thing must be the single worst youtube I have ever seen... so awful. Thanks Julian!

Monday, March 17, 2014

De retour a l'ecole!

Back from Spring Break and ready to work! Hopefully everyone had a safe week away...

Students in 87 should be aware that the "Historical narrative chapter assignment" is due on Friday the 21st of March.

Students in both 86 and 87 have a new "Geographie" assignment...

Chapitre 8: Riches et pauvres dans le monde
P146 - P165
Questions: 1*, 3, 5, 6, 13
a rendre mercredi le 26 mars