Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Un peu de soleil, un peu de pluie...

Students, you latest assignment was posted in class early this week. Here it is for your information:

Histoire, Chapitre 4
"La création de la confédération"
VTC# 1, 2, 4
ATC# 2, 3

à rendre lundi le 3 novembre

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jeudi, une belle journée!

Students: just an update of the things we have on the go, progress reports come out soon!

Géographie, Chapitre 2
"Comment les gens vivent: caractéristiques démographiques"
Questions: 1, 3, 4*, 8, 13
à rendre lundi le 27 octobre

Géographie, mots clés definitions in notebook and included in "Géo Ch 2" assignment.

Cube project must be finished, marked and safely in lockers.

All "Histoire" and "Géographie" units must be complete and up to date.

Book report #1 due on October 31st

Myth and poster must be well on their way toward completion...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mardi, le soleil, la pluie, le soleil encore...

Les étudiants, quelques bons sites-web pour votre recherche:

En Anglais

En Francais

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lundi le 6 octobre, un peu de soleil, un peu de pluie.

Today, students worked on their 5 maps of  British North America and Canada.

As well, Monsieur Wanie assigned the latest "Histoire" chapter and the class had a lecture and double-period discussion on it. See details below.

And, the last "Geo" assignments were handed-back. Students had an opportunity to write their marks in their agendas, file their assignments in their folders in the stickered filing cabinet and have their 'mini-meeting' with Monsieur Wanie.
Anyone recognize this ship?