Friday, November 21, 2008

Vendredi ensoleillé!

Students once again had a busy day in Monsieur Wanie's class! Everyone started reading the new reading books: "Le Chant de la Mer", "Braconniers en Afrique" and "Les Secrets Volés". The good news is that there will be assignments to complete on these books instead of tests! The bad news is that they are all due in two weeks, Monday the 8th December. Students also had a chance to work on the latest "Géo" assignment (Due Wednesday 26th November)... a drawing depicting the same place at three different times in history: 1000AD, 1500AD, Present. Passez un bon weekend! Faites attention aux voitures qui ne peuvent pas s'arreter aussi rapidement l'hiver!

1 comment:

nikki_habz4lyfe0926 said...

Have a bon weekend M.Wanie :)