Friday, January 30, 2009

Vendredi... Bon "weekend" les étudiants!

Friday! I hear sighs that the week is over! Well, February is next week, and that means that it will still be winter for another month and a half! So, we have two new chapters to do in "Géographie" and "Histoire"! The bonus is that students have an extra week to complete them! Details below:

"Géographie Chapitre 9"
#1, 2, 5, 6, 7* cover page
à rendre jeudi le 12 février

"Histoire Chapitre 5"
VTC #1, 2, 3, 6, 8
ATC #6* cover page
à rendre jeudi le 12 février

Bon weekend les élèves!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jeudi, demain c'est vendredi!

Today, most students brought supplies and tools for the "Alexander Calder inspired mobile assignment". 86 and 87 worked hard at not pinching themselves with the pliers. It's a tough assignment that takes time and imagination! 
Students need to remember that tomorrow is the due date for "Histoire Chapitre 4" and "Géographie Chapitre 8"! 

À demain les élèves!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mercredi, 20cm de neige! Ce n'est pas le catastrophe!

A snowy Wednesday! 

This morning, half of 87 was at the "Car Barns", the other half had their turn to watch "Indiana Jones". 

86 had a homework check... some students are leaving their assignments until the last minute, not a good idea! Other students are working diligently, reading the chapters, and answering the questions one by one, good stuff!

Tomorrow, we begin work on the mobiles, bring your equipment and supplies to class! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mardi, ensoleillé, mais il fait froid... encore!

Geez Louise! Today was crazy! Half of 87 was out on a field trip... that left late. Students that stayed behind today are going tomorrow, and will unfortunately be missing the first Indiana Jones movie! 

Students who were at school today are working on the "Histoire" and "Géographie" assignments due Friday! It looks like Wednesday is lecture day. Students, bring your note-taking skills to class! And it was 86's turn to see "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark".

Most students in 86 and 87 haven't assembled all the necessary supplies for the "Alexander Calder inspired mobile art assignment" due Feb 6th. There was a dictated list last week! 
Here it is again:
Two wire coat hangers
Pliers and/or needle nose pliers
Fishing line or strong thread
Bristol board or card board
Positive attitude


Monday, January 26, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille!

It's Monday! Another wintery week begins! 

This morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Géographie" questions due on Friday and provided some clarifications as to what the answers might be and where to find them.

In the afternoon, some students worked diligently to get their "Histoire" started. Monsieur Wanie provided some hints regarding where to look for the answers!

Students! Make an effort to read the chapters in both "Histoire" and "Géo", all the information needed to answer the questions is there! We'll be having some class discussion tomorrow to make the assignments easier!

Friday, January 23, 2009

C'est vendredi, youppi!

First off, Monsieur Wanie wanted to congratulate all students who participated in yesterday evening's "Grade 6 to 7 information night". Good stuff, kids!

Today, most students handed-in their "Géo" and "Histoire"... the new assignments are noted below!

As well, almost all of the "Starwars Poster Assignment" are up, check out the picture!
"Géographie, Chapitre 8, P146-P165"
Questions: #1,2,3,5,6,8,10,11,13
à rendre vendredi le 30 janvier

"Histoire, Chapitre 4, P100-P121"
Questions: VTC#1,2,4  ATC#2
à rendre vendredi le 30 janvier

Bon weekend les enfants!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jeudi, presque Vendredi!

Boy, what a busy day! Even before school, there were a few students in the classroom putting the last touches on their "Star Wars" posters. 

This morning, the class worked well on their two new French folders! 

This afternoon lots of students asked intelligent questions regarding their "Histoire" and "Géographie" assignments due tomorrow. 

Many students have worked hard this week! 

"Props" go to Connor for the good effort in reading this afternoon!  

PS Good one Monsieur Wanie for the flub in this evening's assembly speech! Duh, Monsieur Wanie!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mercredi! Milieu de la semaine.

Today, students in 86 and 87 worked to finish up their "Star Wars" posters. Quite a few pieces have been handed-in already and they look great! The due-date is tomorrow students!

Other students had the opportunity to work on their "Histoire" and "Géo" due Friday.

All in all, a hard working day!

A little shout out to those who joined the swim team... the two first practices were today, one early in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Lots of students turned out, nice to see our pool is getting used!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mardi, ensoleillé, mais il fait froid...

Today students in 86 and 87 had a period each to work on their Star Wars posters. Some students are already finished! The rest are due Thursday!

Students also had a chance to go over the "Géo" and "Histoire" assignments due Friday...

Deadlines, deadlines... students, stay on top of things!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mardi, chez le dentiste!

So, while Monsieur Wanie was having his teeth cleaned and assorted other fun stuff, students were back at Winona working diligently. The word from Monsieur Wanie's spies in the halls, is that the "Star Wars poster assignment" is coming along well! Hopefully everyone will have them done by the Thursday due date! 

Here's a picture some of you might find interesting! Winona is not just a cool school... 

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vendredi! Électrifiant!

Well, the power is out in a ten block radius of the school, but Winona has all the lights on! Hmm, where does the electricity for the school come from? Anyway, it means that the musical we were supposed to go see at Oakwood has been postponed... and that it's business as usual here at Winona!

Students can get a jump on next week's "Géo" and "Histoire" assignments, here they are!

"Géo Chapitre 7" P128-145
Questions: #1,2,4,6
à rendre vendredi le 23 janvier

"Histoire Chapitre 3" P72-99
Questions: #1,2,4 VTC; #4 ATC; #1-6 ULMC. 
à rendre vendredi le 23 janvier

Bon weekend les élèves!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jeudi ensoleillé!

Lots of students did NOT choose their Star Wars character yesterday night, so Monsieur Wanie bailed everyone out by taking both 86 and 87 to the library today! He helped students choose and print out pictures of their characters. Tonight, students must complete the pencil drawing part of the assignment to be able to do the pastel part tomorrow...

Hopefully, students used the periods provided to work on their "Histoire" and "Géo" due tomorrow so once they finish their drawings they can work on science or math or something brainy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mercredi! Il fait un froid de canard!

Today, students were handed back their "Greatest Canadian" assignments... most students did really well, so we posted them in the classroom!

Monsieur Wanie went over the assignment due in "Géo" and Students had some class time to work and ask questions. 

In the afternoon, all grade 8 classes went on the Oakwood tour! 

Students, don't forget to choose your Star Wars character for the latest art assignment! We'll be starting tomorrow! Also, students need to locate their dictionaries and "Bescherelles" for an assignment next week!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mardi, encore de la neige!

Students had a big pile of assignments handed back today... not a surprise that almost all grades were in the B or above range! You kids have done some great work so far in second term! Keep it up! There are some art assignments being graded now, they look awesome too! 

Today, students had lots of reading to do in both "Histoire" and "Géo". There was a class discussion about the questions in "Géo" due Friday too! Fun, fun, fun!

N'oubliez pas de choisir votre personnage de "La Guerre Des Étoiles"!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lundi, il fait froid!

A snowy start to the week, n'est-ce pas?

Students in 86 and 87 have some looming due dates this week in "Géo" and "Histoire"!

This morning, everyone had a chance to ask questions and work on "Chapitre 6" in "Géo" and "Chapitre 2 in "Histoire"... Tomorrow is discussion/lecture-time on both!

This afternoon, all grade 8 students participated in the "Camp Arowhon" information session. It's a great opportunity for students to get out of the city and back to nature for a week of fun with friends! Think about it and start saving up your allowance!

Friday, January 9, 2009

C'est vendredi... finalement! Une longue semaine!

Wow, that was a spectacularly busy week!

BTW: Mini english lesson.
"Swam" is the conjugated past of the verb "to swim"
Ex She swam the channel.
"Swum" is the past participle of the verb "to swim"
Ex He has swum the channel twice before.

Today, students participated in class discussions about the "Histoire" chapter... topics such as the migration of Irish to British North America and then to the United States in the 1860s, the industrial revolution: trains and railways, steam boats and canals, Lord Elgin's campaign for reciprocity with the US, abolishing the slave trade: freedom-found in British North America... very cool stuff! 

Today was the due date for "Chapitre 5" in "Géo" and for the "Forced perspective-Toronto" project. The new chapters in both "Histoire" and "Géo" were posted, see below... 

Géographie Chapitre 6 P114-127
Questions: #1,3,5,10,11
à rendre vendredi 16 janvier

Histoire Chapitre 2 P52-71
Questions: ATC #1,2,3,4.
à rendre vendredi 16 janvier

Bon weekend! (France)
Bonne fin de semaine! (Quebec) 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

C'est jeudi, il fait froid!

Students! Today is the last workday before a big due-date! Tomorrow, your "Forced perspective-Toronto" projects are to be handed-in. Your "Géo Chapitre 5" is also due! 

Work, work, work! Busy, busy, busy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Neige... beaucoup de neige!

It's a snowy Wednesday! 

87 had a chance to work on their "Forced perspective-Toronto" projects, the last chance in class to work on them before the Friday due date!

Both 86 and 87 did some paperwork about high schools with Ms Ellen, choices, choices!

Students need to keep in mind that from today on, one "Histoire" and one "Géo" chapter are due every week until the text books are finished! That's a lot of work! 

A reminder that students can come in early any morning of the work week for extra help, extra work, to hang out quietly or to do work for other classes in a quiet place!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Soleil ou neige?

Today was a super busy day for 86 and 87! 

In the morning, students had a note-taking assignment in "Histoire" designed to help them focus on the important parts of the chapter and make answering the homework questions easier. 

In the afternoon, some students worked on, and asked questions about, "Histoire"; others chose to work busily on the "Géo" chapter due Friday... Dana and Olivia thought the hall might be a better place to study!

Almost all of the "Great Canadian" assignments are handed in, and they look awesome! There is some real talent in 86 and 87! Good job, kids!

86 even managed to squeeze in some time at the end of the day to work on their "Forced Perspective-Toronto" assignment.

A good day at the "office" students!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Joyeuse Nouvelle Année!

A big "Welcome Back" to all students! Hopefully, you had a great vacation... and are ready to get rockin' in term 2! Let's get right back into the swing of things!

Today, Monsieur Wanie and students of 86 and 87 had class discussions on the "Chapitre 5" questions in "Géo" due Friday. There were discussions about "Chapitre 1" in Histoire; topics such as "The Great Migration" of people to British North America in the 1800s. Students learned about the Irish and the potato famine, the Underground Railroad, the wood and wheat industries, railroad and canal construction as well as the industrial revolution. Very cool stuff!

Géographie Chapitre 5 is due on Friday 9th January! Questions#: 3, 5, 11, 12 and 13.

Histoire Chapitre 1 is due on Monday 12th January! Questions#: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 VTC; and 5 ATC.

Box projects are also due on Friday 9th January!