Friday, January 16, 2009

Vendredi! Électrifiant!

Well, the power is out in a ten block radius of the school, but Winona has all the lights on! Hmm, where does the electricity for the school come from? Anyway, it means that the musical we were supposed to go see at Oakwood has been postponed... and that it's business as usual here at Winona!

Students can get a jump on next week's "Géo" and "Histoire" assignments, here they are!

"Géo Chapitre 7" P128-145
Questions: #1,2,4,6
à rendre vendredi le 23 janvier

"Histoire Chapitre 3" P72-99
Questions: #1,2,4 VTC; #4 ATC; #1-6 ULMC. 
à rendre vendredi le 23 janvier

Bon weekend les élèves!

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