Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mardi, le soleil brille et le ciel est bleu!

Today, some students brought in interview request forms, Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to discussing student's progress! Both classes are full of imaginative, hard-working kids...
Students worked on their "Histoire Chapitre 10"... that is to say SOME students did! It seems spring is here and students would rather be outside playing! Well Monsieur Wanie would also rather be outside taking in the fresh air after a winter of hibernation, but he knows (as should students), that work comes first!

Classes 86 and 87 also had time to work on their scale house drawings... there are some terrific projects brewing! Final drawings are due tomorrow! Then the building starts, so students must bring in some corrugated cardboard! Some students have yet to choose their Canadian industry for the, uh, industrial part of the project...

And this afternoon, Mr Wiens came in to take care of the class so that Monsieur Wanie could attend to Swim Team Coaching duties down at Harbord Collegiate. The team did really well btw! 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lundi, on dirait une journée de Novembre!

Wow, talk about a chilly morning! Hopefully, students had their mitts on... or pockets!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Histoire Chapitre 10" questions with students in 86 and 87. "Chapitre 10" talks about workers and working conditions and relations in Canada during the late 19th and early 20th centuries... tough times!

Students had time to work on their 1:87 scale house assignments. Most students are getting the general idea and have done some good rough drafts. The good copy is due on Friday, and students have been asked to bring scrap corrugated cardboard and something to cut it with... 

And today, is report card day!  Students were encouraged to look at their marks and write some intelligent reflections on achievement, goals and home support on page 3 of their reports... Monsieur Wanie has included an "Interview Request Form" with every report in the welcome event that parents or guardians wish to come in and discuss their child's performance.  Interviews with Monsieur Wanie will take place on Thursday evening between 18:00 and 20:30 and Friday morning between 9:00 and 11:30 or by appointment outside of those hours.

Friday, March 27, 2009

C'est vendredi, et il fait beau!

Today has been a busy day for 86 and 87! 

This morning, both classes were assigned a new research project. Students must choose a Canadian company at the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary level of industry. They must make a one minute presentation in a "Show and tell" format using bristol boards with pictures. This project is the lead-up to building the neighbourhood and associated industries in 3D...

As well, the new "Histoire Chapitre 10" was assigned, here it is:
"Histoire Chapitre 10"
VTC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
ATC 1, 4, 5
à rendre lundi 6 avril

Bon weekend les élèves!
And students, get some fresh air this weekend!
Play outside, do some skateboarding, ride a bike!
And watch out for traffic!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jeudi, demain c'est presque le weekend!

Today, most students in 86 and 87 handed-in their homework. It was evident that some people are not reading the blog! Students who didn't read the blog did twice as much homework! Oops!

Anyway, today students had another "fact-finding" exercise to do in "Histoire", this one on entrepreneurs and the evolution of agriculture in Canada between 1867 and 1920.

The whole school had an assembly during period three, to hear from students involved in the "Me to We" program as well as representatives from the "Sleeping Children Around the World" charity... some pretty harsh realities! 

Students, remember to bring a ruler with inches and centimetres and a calculator to class tomorrow! And if you're working on your assignment at home, measure your house properly so it doesn't come out bigger than a factory!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mercredi! Soleil ou pluie?

Well, it's starting out as a sunny day today! 

86 and 87 had a lucky day yesterday and got a former Winona teacher as a supply! Ms Gesner helped students with some "Histoire" and scale drawing... 

Today, students had to hand in their purple French notebooks with the "Demander son chemin / A l'hôtel" folders... Some students chose to take the over-night to finish up in order to hand it in before 8:30 tomorrow morning.

Monsieur Wanie went over the questions in "Histoire Chapitre 9" about the Industrial Revolution and the "growth" period of Canada: 1867 to 1920.

There's "Histoire" HOMEWORK today!
Due tomorrow: 5 important points from P245-246
"L'évolution des industries manufacturières"


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mardi, ensoleillé, et il fait froid...

Somehow Monsieur Wanie managed to chip his tooth again! 

So off to the Dentist to get it fixed!

Hopefully, students at school were working hard on their "Histoire", french folders and scale drawings!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lundi, le retour!

Welcome back students! Hopefully everyone had a great Spring Break! 

Now it's back to work! Third term is going to be a good one! It leads to summer!

Today, students in 86 and 87 worked to finish-up their "Demander son chemin" / "A l'hôtel" French folder for Wednesday! 

Classes also started work on a 1:87th scale model of their house. This is going to be a tough project, but when completed should look cool at the back of the classroom! Take a walk around the outside of where you live, be it apartment, house, condo... and figure out the actual dimensions for your drawing!

86 has a measurement assignment due tomorrow! They won "Most frustrating class of the day" today!! Grrr! 

"Histoire Chapitre 9" is due on Friday!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Vendredi, c'est presque les vacances!

A nice sunny day out! And it's the Friday before the Spring Break! Yay! 

Students have their "Histoire Chapitre 8" due today! And if they want to do some work over the Break there's "Histoire Chapitre 9" posted below... and there's the "Chapitre 6: Demander son chemin / Chapitre 7: A l'hôtel" French folder too! Both will be due shortly after the 23rd return!

"Histoire Chapitre 9"
Questions :
VTC #1, 4, 6.
ATC #2
À rendre bientôt!

Passez de bonne vacances, les élèves!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jeudi ensoleillé! Deux jours....

Hey! It's Thursday already! What happened to yesterday? Where was Monsieur Wanie? ? ?
Fortunately Monsieur Wanie is back today! Check out the snacks... this early-morning delivery made Monsieur Wanie's day! Whoo Hoo! Snacks! 

Okay, so, two days to go before the Spring Break! Today is the last day to work on the "Histoire: Chapitre 8" due tomorrow! PS You MUST read the chapter to answer the questions! Right Raymond, Martin and friends!!!

And there is some work to do on the "Chapitre 6: Demander son chemin" French folder today too!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mardi gris!

Today, students in 86 and 87 had an opportunity to get a good start on the "Histoire Chapitre 8" due on Friday. Several students are forgetting their "Histoire" textbooks at home or in their lockers! It's third term, remember your stuff please!

Later in the morning students took some time to work on their "Chapitre 6: Demander son chemin" folder.

June will be here in a hurry so Monsieur Wanie and Monsieur Ferron are preparing Camp Arowhon information/ permission folders, stay tuned for the meeting dates for students and parents! 

Monday, March 9, 2009

C'est lundi. Une semaine avant le congé de mars!

Students have one week of school left until Spring Break! So that means there will be some tough work to do! No one wants homework for the week we're away!

Today, Monsieur Wanie handed back notebooks that were graded for the report cards, quite a few students had not handed them in last week! 

As well, students worked quietly on the new folder: "Chapitre 6: Demander son chemin".

And Monsieur Wanie did some explaining of the "Histoire Chapitre 8" questions.

By the way... 86 wins the chatty-pants award today! Wow! Is it spring or what!? Luckily, they redeemed themselves in period 7 and were more attentive!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jeudi, musicale!

Both 86 and 87 only had the morning to work today... most students are working diligently tying up loose ends before 2nd term reports are filed! Monsieur Wanie saw an additional 3 "Géo" term assignments and a random team-effort mobile handed-in today. Congrats to students who are taking care of business! 

Hopefully, everyone's purple notebooks are handed in with "Chapitre 5, L'Automobile, la voiture, l'auto". "Histoire, Chapitre 7" is also due...

This afternoon, all students were fortunate enough to be invited to see the musical. A big congratulations to everyone involved! You kids are very talented! And Ms Banman, Mr Picou and Ms Sher need big props too! (Get it? Big "props"... you know, congratulations but in the theatrical sense... okay, never mind...) 

Tomorrow, though, it's back to work! And Monsieur Wanie won't be there... Instead, il est chez le Dentiste... whirrrr, bzzzz, Ow!  So all students have instructions on the board that the supply teacher will repeat. Everyone should be on autopilot, right Monsieur Katsetos et Monsieur Fernandez?

A lundi tout le monde!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mercredi... la mi-semaine, toujours du soleil.

Today, several students came in early to present their "Géographie Projet Final" assignments.

In class, only a quarter of the students in 86 and 87 handed in their "Histoire" assignments! This was the last assignment to go on the 2nd term report, so it was important! 

The new "Histoire Chapitre 8" is posted!
P208-233 Chapitre 8
VTC #1,2,3,4
ATC #3,4
à rendre vendredi le 13 mars

Again today, many students involved in the musical were out of class, a note to them: Get your assignments done and come in early to hand them in! Involvement in the musical does not exempt you from class work nor does it entitle you to due-date extensions!

Stay tuned for a special project!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mardi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid toujours!

Well, another day of terrific presentations! There will be some very good marks in "Géographie" this term! It makes for a happy Monsieur Wanie!Tomorrow is the due date for the "Histoire Chapitre 7" assignment! Not handing it in would make Monsieur Wanie very unhappy. 
Which Wanie do YOU want?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lundi, le froid et le soleil au mois de mars!

This morning, students in 86 started presenting their "Géographie Projet Final"... those who presented did a fantastic job! Monsieur Wanie has yet another reason to be proud of his students! 

This afternoon, presentations for 86 continued and 87 had a period to begin presenting!

Fabulous work so far students!

1. It's "ma famille" not "mon famille"!
2. Demain c'est la journée en Français!

Chez Rocky: