Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jeudi, musicale!

Both 86 and 87 only had the morning to work today... most students are working diligently tying up loose ends before 2nd term reports are filed! Monsieur Wanie saw an additional 3 "Géo" term assignments and a random team-effort mobile handed-in today. Congrats to students who are taking care of business! 

Hopefully, everyone's purple notebooks are handed in with "Chapitre 5, L'Automobile, la voiture, l'auto". "Histoire, Chapitre 7" is also due...

This afternoon, all students were fortunate enough to be invited to see the musical. A big congratulations to everyone involved! You kids are very talented! And Ms Banman, Mr Picou and Ms Sher need big props too! (Get it? Big "props"... you know, congratulations but in the theatrical sense... okay, never mind...) 

Tomorrow, though, it's back to work! And Monsieur Wanie won't be there... Instead, il est chez le Dentiste... whirrrr, bzzzz, Ow!  So all students have instructions on the board that the supply teacher will repeat. Everyone should be on autopilot, right Monsieur Katsetos et Monsieur Fernandez?

A lundi tout le monde!

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