Friday, October 30, 2009

Vendredi gris!

So this morning, students were a bit Halloween hyped! During class, 86 saw mustard run across the street... get it?: mustard "running" across the street? Anyway, it was comical... And then, students danced away the afternoon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jeudi gris et brumeux!

So today, 86 had a bit of a break from Monsieur Wanie as the periods lined up so that the Rosedale presentation was during the periods they were supposed to have.

87 meanwhile, worked on their "Geographie Chapitre 5" and their Graffiti assignments, both of which are due tomorrow!

All in all a pretty good workday!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mercredi pluie!

So, Monsieur Wanie handed out lots of marked assignments this morning. And he was looking over his students grades... there are lots of As and Bs and not a lot of Cs!

Students, just so you are aware: Monsieur Wanie is very proud of you and the great work you have done so far this term! Keep it up! And don't let this "pat on the back" get to your heads!

Here are the assignments students need to focus on:
1. "Geo chapitre 5" due Friday 30 Oct.
2. Graffiti assignment due Friday 30 Oct.
3. Read "Geo chapitre 5" for comprehension quizlet on Tuesday.
4. Read "Aventure en foret" or "L'avalanche" for next assignment.
5. Maintain a positive attitude.
6. Don't flick boogers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mardi, le calme avant la pluie?

First thing this morning, Monsieur Wanie gave a lecture on some of the important parts of "Geographie Chapitre 5". Students who were focused, took notes to help in answereing the questions. Students Note: You must read the chapter carefully to complete the questions! Do not forget to add original ideas to your assignment answers, that's where the extra points are!

Classes 86 and 87 also worked on their graffiti projects. Some of them are looking great so far! Here are some cool bits!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lundi, une semaine normale?

So, today is looking like the beginning to a regular week. Some students were in early this morning to work on assignments and get ahead of things...

In class, both 86 and 87 worked on their graffiti drawings in large scale. There are some great ideas being brought out on this project! Good work so far students!

Students were working on "Geo Chapitre 5" today too! Most students are really benefiting from the extra time with the textbooks. Some students have taken extensive notes on the chapters and are doing very well this term! Reports are not far away!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Samedi, surprise!

For the parkour "Traceurs" in the class...
Check it:
Practice safe jumps, stunts and lines!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vendredi est la et il pleut!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie elaborated on question #5 in "Geographie", students now have enough information to get a great start on the chapter... over the weekend!!

This afternoon, students visited Oakwood to take in a play... a good way to start the weekend!

Oh, you liked the graffiti snail? Here's another... and you thought the bus was slow!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jeudi, brumeux.

Check it: Citroen and graffiti in Paris.

This morning, Monsieur Wanie gave a second mini-lesson on graffiti in preparation for the next assignment/unit.

Check it: Inner city snail.
Monsieur Wanie also gave a further short lecture on question #1 in "Geographie". Students took some notes on that as well as on Monsieur Wanie's "Grammar error rant"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mercredi gris!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie was happy to see that there were lots of students in early to work on assignments and ask questions. A few students were even given extensions...

In class, both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Geo Chapitre 4" and character sketches. Students then worked on question #1 of their new "Geo" chapter, details below:

"Geographie Chapitre 5"
Questions: 1,3,5,11,12,13
A rendre vendredi 30 octobre.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So, Monsieur Wanie is back! It seems as if most students from 86 and 87 acted responsibly for Ms Anastassiadis yesterday... only three students will be talked-to regarding "conduct unbecoming a grade 8". Students worked on their character sketch, "Geo Chapitre 4" and reading novels.

Today, students had a one further period to read their novels before the next assignment. And both classes had the opportunity to get started on the new graffiti art project.

Notez Bien! Your "Geo Chapitre 4" and character sketch are BOTH due tomorrow!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lundi, ou est Monsieur Wanie?

So, Monsieur Wanie was "out of the office" for the day... Hopefully all students followed the day plan outlined on Friday and written out on the board! Short notes tomorrow!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Vendredi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie gave his lecture on "Geographic Information Systems". Students had an opportunity to answer question #3 of their "Geographie" assignment. It relates to why there is such growth in the sector of "infosystems" in today's economy.

Students also handed-in their 3D unit-ending Art assignments.

In the afternoon, students had an opportunity to work on their "Geo Chapitre 4" and ask Monsieur Wanie individually for clarification on the questions... Students started on the poster for question #4 that ask about jobs created by the fact that the tendency is for people to want to spend more time outdoors...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jeudi, gris ce matin!

This morning was a busy one!

Monsieur Wanie held two class discussions, one on the keywords of "Chapitre 4: Les gens au travail" and the other on the questions of the chapter due next Wednesday.

There will be an additional discussion tomorrow on "Geographic Information Systems" or SIG in French. Students, there is a case study on pages 82 and 83 to read!

In the afternoon, students worked on their unit ending 3D drawings. Students, the drawings as well as the whole package of artwork is due tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mercredi, le givre!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their character sketches. Some students completed their sentences and had Monsieur Wanie correct them, then started on the background drawing for the good copy... Unfortunately 86 misplaced one of the books and just missed having to come in on the lunch hour to find it! AArgh! Students, what's with the book trouble this year! Luckily, one student found the missing book and turned it in!

In the afternoon, students worked on their 3D drawings and their "Geographie" keywords... all the while listening to Ms Nahas be crabby with students next door.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mardi, un peu de "zeff".

This morning, students in 86 and 87 handed in the "Chapitre 3" assignment that was due today.

Students began working on the keywords for "Chapitre 4: Les Gens Au Travail". The chapter questions and due-date are posted below.

Chapitre 4: Les Gens Au Travail
Questions 2,3,4,6,8,9,12

À rendre mercredi le 21 octobre.

In the afternoon, students worked on their unit ending 3D art assignments.

A short note to students: Be sure you have handed all assignments in! Report Card time is right around the corner! And be certain that your notebooks are "neat and complete"!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Vendredi sous la pluie!

So, a rainy Friday!

Students were deep into the last parts of the "Geo" assignment this morning. 86 and 87, it's due on the 13th of October so your last opportunity to work on it at school is in the morning before school on Tuesday!

There was also an opportunity today for 86 to get started on the French novel character sketch using "L'avalanche" and "Aventure en foret".

Both classes began the good copy of the unit ending 3D art drawing assignment. It's due on Friday the 16th!

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jeudi, le soleil brille mais if fait frais!

This morning, several students came in early to get extra help or work with the "Geo" texts. Good to see which students are making a serious effort to get their assignments done before the due-date!

During the day, both 86 and 87 worked in groups of 3 or 4 with their French novels to get a deeper understanding of the novel. 87 then worked independently to write an outline for a character sketch followed by a full sentence draft and a draft picture to accompany the assignment. 86 will have an opportunity to catch up to 87 tomorrow...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mercredi, j'ai pris la voiture!

First thing this morning, 87 had an extra period with Ms Gesner to work on CASI.

86 and 87 both had their "Geo Chapitre 2" handed back. Three students did exceptionally well, having handed-in assignments that demonstrated an above grade level understanding of the concepts... Good job kids!

Students continued to work on the "Etude de cas, Montreal", most students should have had sufficient time to complete the 5 questions assigned. Students also had some extra time with either "L'avalanche" or "Aventure en foret" in preparation for some related group work and subsequent class discussion and quiz.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mardi gris...

This morning, Monsieur Wanie was on students' case about putting their names on their assignments, handing things in on time, being still and attentive for the anthem and the announcements, and bringing the textbooks back, there are 47 now... up from 44 but still below the 54 the class started the year with.

Students started work on the Montreal case study in "Geo, chapitre 2", it's not part of the assignment due on the 13th of October, but it will give students a deeper understanding of the concepts of site, situation, and land use.

In the afternoon, students in 86 and 87 began reading one or the other of two short French novels: "Aventure en foret" and "L'avalanche". Students will be answering questions based on their reading...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lundi, une nouvelle semaine!

This morning was an exciting one for students. The QSP magazine fund-raiser starts today, most students seemed pumped about all the prizes and the potential to raise big money for the school!

The "Across the ages Geo drawing" was due today, most students handed the assignment in. Monsieur Wanie reminded students that the chapter questions are due on Tuesday, 13th October.

As well, Monsieur Wanie explained the unit ending assignment in 3D art drawing. The due-date has not been fixed yet... Students are required to use the perspective ideas and concepts taught in class on their final. It is mandatory to have both a rough draft and a good copy of this final assignment as well as handing in the entire package of drawings worked on in class for full marks to be awarded.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Vendredi, c'est presque le "weekend"!

Finally Friday! Students and teachers seem to be a little tired lately, maybe it's the lack of sunlight this week!

Anyway, Monsieur Wanie spent yesterday evening and this morning combing the world for more "Geo" textbooks! They are very expensive and hard to find. He has an email written to a used textbook retailer, so there's a chance there will be some for next week! Yay!

Today, both 86 and 87 worked diligently on their "Geo" chapter. Monsieur Wanie went back and added detail to the discussion on the chapter to clarify even further the themes and questions within.

Students, do not forget that the "through the ages" assignment is due on Monday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jeudi, demain c'est vendredi!

This morning, students read about "emplacement et position" in their "Geo" textbooks and worked on their comprehension of questions 10 and 13... Monsieur Wanie provided some clarification on these, considerably more difficult, last questions.

Students have not been allowed to sign out textbooks for the last few days given that ten of them have disappeared. Upon their return, Monsieur Wanie will once again allow students to take them home. To make up for this unfortunate situation, several students have taken advantage of the fact that Monsieur Wanie provides time before school for all students to come in and work or get extra help.

In the afternoon, students in both 86 and 87 worked on their "perspective drawing unit", and 86 had some extra time to work on their "through the ages" drawing due Monday.