Friday, October 16, 2009

Vendredi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie gave his lecture on "Geographic Information Systems". Students had an opportunity to answer question #3 of their "Geographie" assignment. It relates to why there is such growth in the sector of "infosystems" in today's economy.

Students also handed-in their 3D unit-ending Art assignments.

In the afternoon, students had an opportunity to work on their "Geo Chapitre 4" and ask Monsieur Wanie individually for clarification on the questions... Students started on the poster for question #4 that ask about jobs created by the fact that the tendency is for people to want to spend more time outdoors...


Anne said...

Mr Wanie is the geographie due tuesday or wednesday?
also the character sketch is due tuesday right??

DRU said...

Magpie, they are both due on Wednesday!