Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mardi et le soleil brille!

This morning, students together with Monsieur Wanie, finished off the correcting of the French "A l'aeroport" folder and started on the taking-up of "Chapitre 2: A bord de l'avion".

Students continued their day with some "Geo" note-taking on "Chapitre 9, La structure des economies", to find out how and why a country's level of development and people's quality of life is linked with the different levels of industry...

Students started working on question 2 of "Geographie, Chapitre 9" due on Wednesday for87 and Thursday for 86. It asks students to write a short paragraph using or incorporating 6 terms given about economic structure and development.


bubblytea said...

I thought it was due tomorrow?
The chapitre 9 #2 .

Anon said...

isn't that due on thursday?

Anon said...

EDIT: woops, read the post, edit out my last comment, plz


nathan.flach said...

can we print it out pleeeeaaaaseeeee? i typed it up and then remembered that you wanted it in our notebooks but i wrote A LOT. im just wondering, if not it's ok.

DRU said...

Bubblytea: different due dates for 86 and 87...

Nathan, sure, just glue it or paperclip it into your notebook...

ecksCLUEsive said...

teachers at oakwood should have blogs. ...
it would make like so much easier.

DRU said...

Hey Ezilee!

I'm sure it would Elvin!

I hope you have a great Christmas break!