Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jeudi, le soleil brille, il fait beau!

Today classes had their homework checked once again... Some students are not checking the blog as often as they should, in other words EVERY DAY!

The triangular art assignments from a few weeks ago went through their second evaluative process with students providing some insight into their work... Hopefully the shoebox projects will turn out just as well done!

Due tomorrow:
1.Histoire Chapitre 1 questions
2.Shoebox Project


Anon said...

...Mr. Wanie... I have a confession..
...I didn't check the blog... I did the work before 3 days before hand... because i realized what the html was... Do i lose my mark, cause techniclay, I DIDN'T check the blog?


DRU said...

You're all good Lucas. Don't sweat it...