Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Maybe someone caught the fact that yesterday was "Louis Riel Day" in Manitoba... Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Never mind...

Anyway, Monsieur Wanie got the old Dell tower clunker of a computer working so class blog posting is back up! Of newsworthy: reports are coming up soon! Hopefully, all students have their work in order, assigments in, projects completed, presentations presented, positive attitude displayed...

The class railway project will be getting underway, Monsieur Wanie has made some decent progress on the benchwork, now students will have to get going on the planning end...


Unknown said...

will there be a test on the book le galop du temmplier?

Unknown said...

will we get our french test marks back? if yes when?

DRU said...

Vivian: Yup.
Isabella: Yes, as soon as my computer is repaired and I can input the marks.