Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mercredi, zut, 2cm the neige...

Okay, today was "rock and roll"... students were excited and it was a difficult job getting through the review of "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel" for the test tomorrow. Students, the test will be long and tough, bring your best attitude to class!

The "Histoire Chapitre 5" due-date has been changed for 86 a week forward to Tuesday, Feb 9th. This is because 86 has been wasting a bit of class time lately, a clear indicator to Monsieur Wanie that the time lines are a little too loose!


Unknown said...

for the reading test we have 2 periods to finish ??

leean♥ said...

Mr. Wanie, I have a question about the spy project which is due next week. How do you make the pages that small...? Or like, what size is it?

DRU said...

Vivian: Yup.
Leean: It can be the normal folder size... the project that I showed in class, well the kid's dad is a printer so they shrank everything down and made it cool...