In the latter part of the morning, 87 missed their pool periods because of the broken "main pool pump" and somehow got into trouble with the supply teacher in Ms Gesner's classroom. As such, Monsieur Wanie had a few words with them and then 87 went to the library to research the modern artist assignment.
Both Monsieur Tancredi and Monsieur DaLuz came in yesterday to talk to classes about some behaviour issues. Students, it is important to abide by school and common sense rules regarding behaviour so as not to get into or create trouble.

Hi Mr Wanie i was talking to you in class about if i could do someone who want on the list of artists and the person i want to do is Rex Whistler? If you go to google images and tipe in his name it will come up with some of his paintings and i would like to do the that are like 2 faces if you turn the paper upside down there are some of his on the first page if you want to see what i mean and am I alloud to do it without coulors so just use pencil?
Also for question 5 what is in history 12 what are the paper sizes that we can do our colage on? One more thing for the colage all the pictures have to be from world war 1 right?
Hey Nick: Rex is fine in pencil. For question #5, a regular 8.5 x 11 size sheet of paper would be right for the WW1 collage.
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