Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mercredi, l'orage cet apres-midi?

So, this morning, Monsieur Shipinkas came in to give 86 and heads-up about the CASI test coming up soon.

Monsieur Wanie read the riot act to 86 for not having completed "Chapitre 22" of the French folder yet while Monsieur Wanie and 87 have already taken up 3/4s of the chapter!

Some pictures came back from the TDSB Music Mondays at Yonge-Dundas Square, great job!
And in the afternoon Monsieur Wanie had a discussion regarding some "issues" that have been occuring in class and outside the school. A reminder to students: Read the Code Of Conduct in your agenda and be aware of the possible consequences to breaking the rules... You are young adults and are entitled to a safe environment in which to grow and learn. If your safety or well-being is in any way threatened, you must tell an adult, ask someone for help or phone the police.


Unknown said...

heey, just wondering, for the socal reform question i could write a letter about socal assisstance rates and how there should be an overall increase etc.

DRU said...

Hey Isabella: Sounds perfect!