Friday, June 11, 2010

Vendredi! Juste avant Arowhon.

Today, students did some work on the classroom railway again. Nearer and nearer to completion! Students worked at building a hill, painting the background and putting ground cover on the little hill...

There were also a few students who presented their Solo Projects. Well done kids!

Unfortunately, three students were sent to the office this morning for not having their work at school... seriously, why come to school if you refuse to bring the required work! Aaargh!

Class 87 had a full period to clean out their stinky lockers and find their "Geographie" and "Histoire" textbooks to hand back in...


nathan.flach said...
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nathan.flach said...
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Anon said...

WOO! Back from Arowhon! *Scratches the 50 or so bites on various places*

I hit 4 bulls-eyes total on the archery range. Who can beat that?


5 Days of school left people!
Another 5 days and were FREE!
Long live LIBERTY!