Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mardi, la neige et le vent froid!

Today was the due-date for the perspective box project. A few students came in early to ask for extensions but most everyone had a well done project to show.

Monsieur Wanie clarified what is required in the keyword definitions for "Geographie, Chapitre 6". Students will be handing-in the unit keywords and definitions as well as the chapter answers in a folder or duo tang on Friday, December 10th.

Monsieur Wanie was notified by the office that 86 and 87 are experiencing a higher than normal number of lates... apparently, a letter has been prepared to be sent home for repeat offenders. It states that students who are often late will not be permitted to leave the school premises during lunch for a period of time to ensure their safety and on-time return to afternoon classes.


Ez said...

When we hand in the keywords, should we hand in both our English and French definitions, or just the French ones?

DRU said...

Ez: the French ones are the most important. But you need to hand both in.

Unknown said...

for question 1, do we have to draw 3 scenarios for material, and non material wealth (6 scenarios in total), or is it just 3 all together?

ravi said...

for question 1 for geographie instead of drawing it i did mine on the computer is it okay? and do you have to label the drawings?

DRU said...

Ella: yup, six total.
Ravi: on the computer is fine.