Monday, January 10, 2011

Lundi, apres la neige, le soleil.

Today, Monsieur Wanie's classes worked on their "Geographie, Chapitre 8". Students engaged in a paragraph by paragraph reading/note-taking exercise.

Hopefully students have been checking the blog and following the links related to the chapter.

Students in 87 also worked on their Superhero assignment. 86 will get more time tomorrow...


Ez said...

In our geography, for question 3, which starts "À cause des événements du passé, beaucoup de gens vivent dans la pauverté dans les pays en développement.", do we have to specify a developing country or just write about how the past can affect a country in general?

DRU said...

Hey Ez, the choice is yours. But it may be easier to keep it general. Many developing countries have had issues in their past that continue to cause problems in the present. Take Rawanda's last 40 years, or Zimbabwe's past 20 years... Or Morocco's last 110 years.

DRU said...

Ez, I was hinting at the fact that the "legacy" left by colonial rule is a commonality many African countries have.

ravi said...

for geographie # 3 i have ten lines i was wondering is that enough or do i need more?

DRU said...

Ravi, 15-20 would be better..