Friday, April 1, 2011

Vendredi, le printemps se trouve un peut gris...

Today, many students were absent due to the choir festival um, thingy. Never the less, it was crunch time for both 86 and 87. Their "Projet de journal" is due this afternoon! Students were cramming to get it done, in fact Monsieur Wanie was both surprised and pleased to have almost a full class of dedicated students working in their groups at 8:15 this morning!

As well this morning students were handed their yearbook comment forms (yes, it is that close to the end of the year!) and their grad photos.

In the afternoon, both classes had a last period to work on their "Projet de journal" before handing them in.

Spring is almost sprung! Students, be careful playing outside over the weekend! Mosnieur Wanie has already observed many skateboarders unaware of traffic!


Danielle said...

I can't find any places to list for before and after migrates for 1 can you suggest a site?

Michelle said...

Danielle: Aren't you suppose to list how can the migrants transform a community? Not list places....

DRU said...

Danielle: Like Michelle said, you need to explain or list HOW migrants can transform a community, not what places they have transformed... Think about how Italian immigrants have changed St Clair West, or how Chinese immigrants have transformed Spadina Ave. Or how East Indian immigrants have transformed Gerrard Ave. or how Polish and Ukranian immigrants have transformed Roncesvales or how the Easter bunny has changed the month of April...

Danielle said...

ok and for 8 to list intiatives do you mean together as a class or just separately

Michelle said...

Mr.Wanie, me and Esme don't understand what we are suppose to write for "has our community adopted a policy of multiculturalism or interracial relations?" It is in question 8.


Ez said...

Also for question 8, it says "What is your school board, your city, or your local government doing to promote relations between cultural or ethno-cultural groups?"
Do we write what one of these groups is doing, or something for each?

DRU said...

Danielle: Either would be fine, list any initiatives you can think of.

Michelle and Esme: Think about where you live. Has your community done anything to recognize or celebrate the immigrant population that exists? For example, there wouldn't be a "Salsa on St. Clair festival" is there weren't any people for whom this festival means something... it's a festival designed to recognize the culture AND teach and include everyone else about it...

Esme: I think if you explain one thing in detail, you're into a B, two things and you're into an A, all three and you're looking at an A++.

Unknown said...

Hey monsieur. Wanie, I was wondering if there was swim team practice monday morning???

DRU said...

Alejandra: Yes, but it's 7:30 in the water, NOT 7:10... so you get an extra 20 minutes to sleep in...

Michaela said...

Mr.Wanie Ale Nichola Marcus and I want to come in to work on our newspaper project but Ale Nichola and I have swim team is there any point in going for swim team if we are only gong to be the for 20 minutes??

DRU said...

MIchaela: Everyone will be getting out of the pool around 8:10, if you get changed in 5 or 10 minutes, that gives you 30-40 minutes to work. You decide.