Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mardi, le beau temps apres la tempete de la matinee!

This morning, students had a few more minutes to work on their "French Folders" before handing them in.

Everyone then went to work on the banner in the hall before being interrupted by a fire drill...

Later in the day, students continued working on the banner. Hopefully, students will be able to start with the colour in earnest tomorrow!

As well, on an note Monsieur Wanie feels terribly uncomfortable even having to mention: Students must remember that the school has a dress code. Both girls and boys must wear appropriate clothing at Winona. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR UNDERWEAR! So, boys, pull your pants up and girls, no spaghetti-straps, midriff bearing clothing or "booty-shorts" please! YUCK!

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