Friday, September 30, 2011

Vendredi, le soleil apres une nuit de pluie.

Today, classes had another opportunity to read the latest French reading assignment: "Il fait quoi ton papa?".

Monsieur Wanie did had an assisted reading period with students to clarify some of the difficult passages in the story and to facilitate reading comprehension...

For the students who asked about Monsieur Wanie's cat... meet Leilani, moto-kitty!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jeudi, encore la pluie! C'est bien pour les plantes!

Well, today it was great to see that a few students came in early for some extra help and extra time to work on the "Sonson" tests!

During class, lots of paperwork... Some students handed back their Camp Robin Hood forms, Monsieur Wanie handed out the students records index cards to be verified at home and brought back...

Students worked on their perspective drawings, began working on a "Geographie" zoning assignment and wrapped-up the day with some work on a short French reading assignment.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mercredi apres la pluie.

Today was test day for 86 and 87. Students worked hard at the "Sonson et le Volcan" test... Looking over them, it seems most students did really well!

Students then worked on their perspective art drawings and finally some verb work with -re and -ir verbs...

As well, classes elected presidents and vice-presidents to represent them on the school council (or, apparently, rather "global" council).

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mardi gris.

Today, students had a last period to read the "Sonson et le volcan" books before the test. Students read and worked on the questions...

As well, students worked on their perspective art assignments and used a few pointers Monsieur Wanie made to fine tune everything...

Not a really exciting day in homeroom, probably because students worked hard and were focused!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lundi, une belle journee dehors!

Well, the end of last week was a bit messy, what with Monsieur Wanie absent on Thursday, the Terry Fox run on Friday morning and the dance in the afternoon... Never-the-less, students worked on their "Carte Politique du Canada" as well as their "Sonson et le volcan" reading books...

Today, students had some time to work on the maps again as well as some more time to read their French reading books before Monsieur Wanie did some assisted reading of the novel...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mercredi, un peu de gris...

Today, Monsieur Wanie handed back the "Ratatouille" test and students went over it to make corrections... Most students did very well. They noted their marks in their agendas. Students awarded a mark of 12/25 or lower were asked to get their agendas signed.

It was "Hand-in" day for the triple picture assignment, so students piled them on Monsieur Wanie's desk for marking.

As well, students started work on a "Carte du Canada politique" map in "Geographie".

Monsieur Wanie will not be at work tomorrow, so he explained the detailed day-plan he left behind for students and the supply...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mardi, le beau soleil...

Well, today is photo day! Hopefully students dressed appropriately in order to look their best!

During class, students worked on their "Geographie, Communaute Urbaine, Banlieue, Rurale" assignment... It is due coloured and completed tomorrow!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lundi, peut-etre la pluie cet apres-midi?

Today, there were several students who came in early for some extra time on the "Ratatouille" quiz. It's great to see such dedication!

During class, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "La peur de ma vie" quiz. And the class went over the corrections... students were asked to note their marks in their agendas and get them signed if they were under 12/24...

Later, students worked on the first chapter "Geographie" key-words and brainstormed about constants in human geography and the development and growth of cities and suburbs. Then students participated in a discussion with Monsieur Wanie about the similarities and differences between urban, suburban and rural communities, and started on a related assignment...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Vendredi, le beau ciel bleu.

It was great to meet all the parents who came by on "Meet-the-teacher / Curriculum Night" yesterday evening! It's obvious that the great students in Monsieur Wanie's classes are due to caring and involved parents! For those who missed yesterday night, feel free to drop by any morning to say hi or write a quick email to:

In class, 86 and 87 both worked on the key-word exercise in "Geographie". As well, 87 had a bit more time to work on their "Ratatouille" test...

86 had their first swim class, it was good to see almost all students participated! 87, you have pool on Monday! Don't forget your stuff!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Le soleil et un peu de vent...

Today, both 86 and 87 wrote their "Ratatouille" quiz. It seemed as if everyone did well, working hard and with care.

86 began using their sparkling new "Geographie" textbooks. Students scanned through the first chapter, that deals with constants in human geography, searching out keywords and defining them.

Just a reminder that this evening at 6pm is Curriculum Night at Winona.

As well, 86, you have swimming tomorrow! Bring your stuff!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mercredi, la mi-semaine!

Well, today was not a tough one for most students! Classes watched the movie "Ratatouille"... Hopefully everyone had a chance to research the movie a bit from home. There will be a 25 question French quiz about it tomorrow!

As well, tomorrow night is Curriculum Night, hopefully all parents can attend and pop by to say "Bonjour" to Monsieur Wanie.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Le soleil ce matin et la pluie cet apres midi?

Test day! Students in 86 and 87 wrote the test on their "La peur de ma vie" reading books. A few students made the error of communicating with their neighbours and had their test sheets taken away. Those students may be given an opportunity to re-write their quiz tomorrow morning at 8:15. Everyone else seemed to have done a great job of following the instructions and completing the test.

Maybe tomorrow's class will be a little less pressure, we'll see!

PS: Parents, Winona's curriculum night is this Thursday at 6pm!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Le beau soleil!

Today, 86 and 87 began work on their "ideal neighbourhood" assignment, the first assignment of the "Geographie" program.

Students, be warned, tomorrow is the "La peur de ma vie" quiz!

Students in 86, note that Friday is your first pool class! Bring your stuff or a note from home if you have a reason for not participating or you will be borrowing a suit from someone else in order to be in the water as part of the class!

As well, in preparation for the quiz tomorrow, students had a final period with their "La peur de ma vie" books...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jeudi, le 8 septembre...

Well, today was a busy day for both 86 and 87. Monsieur Wanie started students off on an art assignment as well as a reading assignment.

The art one went well, with students beginning to draw rectangles from a 3D perspective.

The reading assignment did not go so well... even when warned, students failed to properly read and question the meaning of the story they were reading... Students: beware! This is grade 8, we no longer read "kiddie books". Everything we read in class this year will require you to reflect on and question what you're reading for a deeper purpose. And, yes, it will be difficult. But you are a smart bunch, you can handle it and you will be successful!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mercredi, le 7 septembre, une nouvelle annee scolaire !

A huge welcome to students to the 2011-2012 school year!

Today, Wednesday, is the second official school day of the year.

Already, classes 86 and 87 have been working hard getting through the mountain of paper-work, money dealings and beginning-of-the-school-year stuff.

Students in both classes have chosen their lockers and most have filled them with the necessary supplies for the year. In class, Monsieur Wanie has assigned an introductory French/Art activity and done some "exciting" verb review... Both classes 86 and 87 have demonstrated the necessary positive attitude, and Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to another successful year!

Here we go!