Monday, September 12, 2011

Le beau soleil!

Today, 86 and 87 began work on their "ideal neighbourhood" assignment, the first assignment of the "Geographie" program.

Students, be warned, tomorrow is the "La peur de ma vie" quiz!

Students in 86, note that Friday is your first pool class! Bring your stuff or a note from home if you have a reason for not participating or you will be borrowing a suit from someone else in order to be in the water as part of the class!

As well, in preparation for the quiz tomorrow, students had a final period with their "La peur de ma vie" books...


Anonymous said...

omg the school blog looks soo fun and hip and modern props to you Mr. Wanie! Tres Bien!!!
(U U)/ <--My attempt at a monkey!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I am worried about the test... even though I'll probally ace it! :D

Jennifer L. said...

If we want to keep working on our 'ideal neighborhood' assignment, can we come on Wednesday morning to work on it ?

Anonymous said...

so nervous. i hate failing test and quizes!!! i dont even know wats goin 2 be on the test so i dont know if im ready or not! aaa!!! my mum will kill me if i fail!!

DRU said...

Tiana: Thanks!
Lilly: You'll be fine.
Jennifer: Yep.
Leya: If you read the book, you'll be fine.