Monday, October 31, 2011

Lundi, les citrouilles ce soir!

Today, Monsieur Wanie assigned the keywords from "Geographie, Chapitre 3". Later this week the "Big 'Geographie' project" will be assigned.

Later in the day, Monsieur Wanie assigned a keyword research assignment for students to complete and hand-in.

"Geographie": Check out this article on Toronto's top 10 landmarks!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Vendredi, le beau temps!

Wow, an exciting day for students today. Many are in Halloween costumes, from the fantastic to the freakish... hopefully this afternoon's dance will be well attended!

In class, most students met the map deadline and made sure their "Histoire" maps were completed and inserted into their file folders in the "stickered" filing cabinet.

Students also started the two new French novels, "L'avalanche" and "Aventure en foret".

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jeudi, au moins il ne pleut pas!

Today, once again, students worked on their "Histoire" maps. Hopefully, students will be able to use these maps to delve into the first major unit in "Histoire" this term: British North America, circa 1860.

Students who were finished their maps read their "Geographie, chapitre 2"...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mercredi, encore de la pluie! A quand le beau temps?

Another assembly for classes today! This one was about career choices... Hopefully students received some information about a profession that interested them.

During the remaining two periods of the day, students worked to complete the "Histiore" maps that are due on Friday morning.

Anybody ever checked out this website?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mardi, le soleil, mais ou est la pluie?

This morning, students had their "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel" test. It seemed like everyone made an effort to complete the test in the single period allotted. Students, remember, if you require more time on the test, early tomorrow morning is your only opportunity.

Later in the day, students worked diligently to complete their "Histoire" maps...

Report cards / Progress Reports are in the works students! Make sure you are up to date in your assignments!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lundi, la pluie.

Today, 86 and 87 both had their assisted reading period with Monsieur Wanie on "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel". Hopefully everyone is ready for the test! Students, remember, if you require more time with the book or help from Monsieur Wanie, tomorrow at 8:15 is your chance!

Later in the day, students attended a really neat performance by Rosedale Heights School of the Arts.

And finally, students also had an opportunity to work on their "Histoire" maps.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Vendredi, Monsieur Wanie est absent aujourd'hui.

Today, Monsieur Wanie was absent and left detailed plans for the day with Ms Giannetas.

Students worked on their "Histoire" maps and read "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel" in preparation for Monday's assisted reading period...

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jeudi, les nuages volent vite a travers le ciel!

Today, classes 86 and 87 went to the "Choices for nine" assembly that had been cancelled last week. Unfortunately, the information sheet about the parent presentation of "Choices for nine" tonight, should have gone home earlier. Apologies to parents for the late notice!

Students began an "Histoire" mapping assignment that will help in understanding the establishment of the provinces from British North America to the current map of Canada that includes Nunavut...

As well, students had another period to read their French novel: "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel".

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mercredi, le gris et le vent.

Today, students continued with their "Geographie" keyword definitions. Most students are doing a great job of researching the chapter.

Some students took the opportunity to finish off their 30 French verb sentences.

And finally, students began reading the latest French reading book, "La nuit mouvementee de Rachel"...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mardi, il fait frais le matin, l'hiver arrive bientot!

This morning, 87 worked on organizing their file folders, making sure all their assignments are tidy and complete.

86 and 87 both began working on the "Geographie, Chapitre 2" keywords.

And last thing in the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie handed back the "Le galop du Templier" tests to 87 and went over them with the class to make corrections.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lundi, le soleil puis les nuages...

Back from a windy weekend!

Students in 87 finished watching "Les Incroyable" (sic).

Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "Le galop du Templier" test. Most students did very well!

Students filled their file-folders with work they've completed to date. Mid-term reports are coming up soon! Monsieur Wanie will be working hard to assemble all of students great assignments in order to write gleaming reports!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Vendredi, la pluie encore!

Today, there were several students in early finishing-up on their "Le galop du Templier" tests. Then classes watched "Les Incroyable" (sic)... did you notice the grammar error in the French title? Anyway, 86 and 87 seemed to like watching the movie in French with the English subtitles...

Lastly in the day, students in 86 did a quick review exercise using the -er, -ir and -re verbs...

Hopefully, all students have a fun and safe weekend!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jeudi, la pluie et le gris...

This morning was a bit messy, students were supposed to have their "Choices for nine" presentation but it was cancelled at the last minute due to both the double-booking of the cafeteria and gym... So, 86 had their "Le galop du Templier" test in the morning, and 87 had theirs in the afternoon...

As well, students began watching "Les Incroyables"...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mercredi, chez Robin des Bois.

Today, students in grade 8 classes spent the whole day outside at Camp Robin Hood. It was great that the rain held off and that kids could do all their activities out in the fresh air!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mardi, le soleil avant la pluie!

Well, did everyone had a great long weekend? It was sunny and warm out so hopefully students spent some time outside and away from their Xboxes!

The zoning assignment was due today. Students handed them in and class continued with an assisted reading of "Le galop du Templier"...

Just a note: Students should be checking the blog daily for news, due-dates and information! There are no excuses for not being aware of assignment hand-in dates!

Just like Raffet... Follow the...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Vendredi, le soleil pour la fin de semaine!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "Il fait quoi ton papa" tests and went over the questions with the class. Most students did really well and made Monsieur Wanie proud. Students who did not do so well just need to concentrate a bit more!

Later in the morning, students worked on their "Le galop du templier" reading assignment.

And finally, students worked on their French grammar assignment from last week and made some slight corrections with Monsieur Wanie on the white boards.

For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great long weekend! For everyone else, have a great long weekend too! Everybody play safely!

Oh, and the "Zoning assignment"... it's due on Tuesday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jeudi, encore une journee de soleil!

Today students worked on their "Zoning assignment"... It will be due early next week.

As well, students worked on their latest French reading book, "Le galop du templier".

A quick note: the "perspective drawing assignment" is due tomorrow! That's Friday!

Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mercredi, le beau temps est de retour!

Today, students in 86 and 87 had their QSP magazine fund-raising assembly in the gym.

Even more fun awaited students in the form of the "Il fait quoi ton papa?" quiz...

And students had one last period to work on the perspective assignment before it's due-date on Friday morning.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mardi, Monsieur Wanie est absent!

So, today Monsieur Wanie was absent...

A day-plan was left for students to follow, that included an -re / -ir verb worksheet, a last period to work on the "Il fait quoi ton papa?" short story and some work on the neighbourhood zoning assignment...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lundi, encore une journee de pluie!

Wow, lots going on today!

Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "Sonson et le volcan" tests this morning. Most students did really well and made Monsieur Wanie proud. Students who received a mark of 20/30 or below must get their agendas signed at home.

As well, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Il fait quoi ton papa?" story with the class in preparation for the quiz on Wednesday.

Students made assignment folders for themselves and put them into the stickered filing cabinet...

And lastly, students worked on the perspective assignment...