Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mardi, le soleil avant la pluie!

Well, did everyone had a great long weekend? It was sunny and warm out so hopefully students spent some time outside and away from their Xboxes!

The zoning assignment was due today. Students handed them in and class continued with an assisted reading of "Le galop du Templier"...

Just a note: Students should be checking the blog daily for news, due-dates and information! There are no excuses for not being aware of assignment hand-in dates!

Just like Raffet... Follow the...


Anonymous said...

the rabbit is so cute. did you draw that? or took that out of the computer? anyway.... i have 2 things to say.

1. check my blog. i posted a story that i wrote. read part 1 first then part 2 then part 3. im not done. the beginning sucks but it will get more interesting.
p.s. the paragraphs are not..yeah you know. i didnt bother with the paragraphs,grammer,spelling.etc.

2. you know the ir,re,er verb test. when are we having that.

well thats all thx.

DRU said...

Leya: 2.The verb test is soon! I will let the class know at least two days before...