Monday, December 19, 2011

Lundi, gris...

Well, this morning, students had a presentation that really was quite entertaining. It was a very different take on the issue of bullying...

In the afternoon, some students presented their "Presentation Orale". Today was the last day for in-class presentations. If students didn't present, the only other opportunity is tomorrow morning before 8:30. This is a firm due-date after which no mark will be assigned...

As well, students worked on their "Grands Canadiens" art assignments...

Due-dates of note:
-Test de Francais - mercredi le 21 decembre
- Grands Canadiens - jeudi le 22 decembre
- Mots Cles / Page couverture / Geographie - lundi le 9 janvier


Anonymous said...

u wrote "quuite" wrong. it supposed to be quite-i think. and yes that presentation was awesome!!!! balancing a ladder on ur chin. ouch and woah!!!! :O and that beatboxer. cool!! so talented. dont u think?

Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie what is Chapitre 7 8 & 9 themed on? Because, for example, would Mobility be economic Mobility?

Isabelle said...

For the examples can you just put (for Frais de logement) the cost of a rental appartment and the price of a house as an example, Or do you have to do the country's rates or whatever?

Julia said...

Mr.Wanie what's an example of planification?