Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mardi, encore le gris!

Today, students jump started their "Histoire" program by reading through their first folder.

Homework! Yay! 1 to 12 of:

"CBC Grand Canadien" art assignment. Choose your top 3 choices for tomorrow:

Reward video for when you've finished your homework... this guy is crazy!

Students worked well today on their last 3 chapters of "Geographie" keywords as well as reading their first "Histoire" folder. Hopefully, students will complete their homework for tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

whoa, this guy is crazy!!! It would be risky enough at an actual ski course, but on the sidewalk, over front yards, and through alleyways?? really cool though.

Anonymous said...

hey guess wat people!!!!!! u can use the rex and mommy's thingy website to practice 4 ur english test!!!!! aint that awesome!!!?oh wait let me guess... u dont care!!!!

Anonymous said...

where's ur about me paragraph that tells us stuff... about you.

Anonymous said...

wonder what i got on the francais test. hey mr.wanie... wanie give me a preview of my test mark!! ;D

Anonymous said...

hey mr. wanie do we do then questiontion 1-12 that you have to pick how it sounds plus the 1-12 sentences or just the sentences?

Anonymous said...

oh i think my pic bet all. Piglet in red boots. yah i know im awesome. :)

Anonymous said...


Julia said...

mr.Wanie what's the other word that's in the same category as services?

DRU said...

Lilly: See! Like I said, crazy!

Leya: Uh, "Rex and Mommy", what are you talking about? I'm your teacher! What else is there to know? Your test, come in early on Friday and find out!

Najat: Just the 12 sentences. But for the website to correct you, you need to fill out the second exercise. (Of course, you don't really need to pick the right answers for exercise 2!) Nice piglet!

Julia: You mean "goods" and services?

Julia said...

oh thankyou

DRU said...

Julia: You're welcome!

Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie, do you have to write the whole sentence or just the word in the blanks? I was wondering just in case.
And I know I'm starting this so late, but I had intense choir practice again! :)

Isabelle said...

P.S. I also think MY home christmas tree picture beats all because it represents this season. And it's pretty!

DRU said...

Isabelle: You need to write the whole sentence! Nice tree! I hope Santa is good to you!

Anonymous said...

i mean tex and tammy. sry got it wrong. and u said come in early on friday isnt there a p.a. day?

Isabelle said...

Yeah, I'm not so sure. I think "Santa" is getting a little off-balance with his work. Isn't it about time? he's been old for years...