Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mercredi, la pluie... et il fait sombre!

Today was test-day!! Students in 86 and 87 wrote their French grammar test during one of the morning periods. Most students seemed to have had more than enough time to complete them in the time alotted.

During the afternoon, students had an opportunity to glue their "Grands Canadiens" assignment together and hand it in early. Just briefly looking over them, this appears to be the best year in recent memory with respect to the quality of artwork and the amount of effort put into them! Great job kids!


Leda said...

What are the measurerments for the construction paper? And may I please come in tomorrow to finish my test? Thanks!

Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie I will not be here tomorrow, as something unexpected has come up:( Does that mean I have to hand it in after the holidays?

Isabelle said...

*the grands canadiens and history study notes

DRU said...

Leda: 11.5cm radius

Isabelle: Hand the "Grands Canadiens" and "Geographie" (with cover page) assignments in upon your return.

Isabelle said...

Ok thanks Monsieur Wanie!! Merry Christmas!! I hope I will get good grades on my report card so that I can please you:)

DRU said...

Isabelle: Thanks! Right back at ya kid!