Friday, December 16, 2011

Vendredi, une autre journee grisatre...

Today, many students were absent for the Tour Band walking tour thingy... that left a skeleton crew to post the French grammar answers and work at correcting them with Monsieur Wanie.

Students also had the chance to work on their "Histoire" jump-start folders and "Geographie" keywords.

Hopefully students will be ready for the big French test next week!


Caitlin.G said...

what day is the french test on????

DRU said...

Caitlin: Tuesday.

Larry said...

Monsieur Wanie for the french test may I please reserve a bescherelle to use right here on the blog or will I have to come at 8:15 to do that?
Thank you, Larry

Julia said...

Mr.Wanie is secteur tertiare the same as les industries tertiare if not what is it then?

DRU said...

Larry: one has been set aside for you.

Julia: "Secteur" and "Industrie" are almost synonyms in the context of the definition.

Leda said...

Monsieur Wanie I have a bescherelle, can you come in tomorrow morning and show me how to use it? Also will the vocabulary words from thoughs old books be on the test?

Anonymous said...

What day are the Geography Key words going to be due?

Julia said...

Mr.Wanie can I use one of your besherelles on the test please.
And thankyou for the géo help!

Julia said...

Mr.Wanie is planification the same as le secteur secondaire?
Also what is Défenseurs des consommateurs?

Isabelle said...

I would also like to know when the Geographie keywords are due, and if they are due on Monday I am officially dead and may faint in class because of it!

Isabelle said...

Also, do we the people who were away just hand in our Tex and Tammy into you on Monday? And are you going to make the Tex and Tammy characters in the test? Because I've had enough about Rita and her kids.

Isabelle said...

Haha the skeleton crew was because all the smart efficient people were away!! :)

DRU said...

Leda: Yup.
Neve: Monday, January 9th.
Julia: I set one of the Bescherelles aside for you. Planification = planning; Defenseurs de consommateurs = consumer protection.
Isabelle: Cool it! Tex and Tammy are friends of mine! BTW, there were quite a few "smart and efficient" people left behind too!