Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mardi, la neige fonds et la pluie reviens.

Today, classes 86 and 87 had their "Histoire" assignments handed back. Most students received decent marks but, as Monsieur Wanie warned, answers must be more complete, include more detail and must not be superficial. To succeed, students must include information gleaned from the chapters, class discussions and other resources...

Students did some reading of their French reading books. As well, Monsieur Wanie assigned the first major "Geographie" assignment of the second term, the "A travers les annees" assignment, (Due on Monday, February 3rd).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lundi, la neige ce soir?

So, today students "Perspective Box" projects were due, as well as the "Histoire" assignment with the Samuel Cunard poster as a cover page...

Monsieur Wanie was impressed by the many fantastic assignments (Quite a few "A+" were handed out!)... and unfortunately appalled by the fact that some students didn't have their work done after a three-day weekend!

The latest "Hisotire" chapter was assigned, "Chapitre 3". The questions are as follows: VTC #1,2,4 and ATC #4. Due on Friday the 3rd of February. Students began working while Monsieur Wanie had meetings with students about their art and "Histoire" work.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jeudi gris...

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave a summary lesson of "Histoire, Chapitre 1" for students. It's an interesting chapter that talks about the industrial revolution in British North America during the early to mid 1800s, the influx of colonists, the wheat and wood trade, and the underground railroad.

Later in the day, students worked on their "Forced Perspective" projects.

Students take note: Your "Histoire, Chapitre 1" and "Forced Perspective" projects are both due on Monday!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mercredi, encore une journee grise.

Just a short word of thanks to students who helped out yesterday at the "Grade 6 Information Night". It was a packed house at Winona. It was great to see so many "prospective clients"!

In class today, students didn't have much time with Monsieur Wanie but still managed to work on their "Croissance et Changement" unit and their "Perspective Box" projects.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mardi sombre.

Today, students worked on their "Perspective box" projects. Students should take note of the due-date: Monday, January 30th.

As well, students worked on the "Histoire - Croissance et changement" unit.

And Monsieur Wanie conducted a homework check...

Students: Here's a 60 second survey to fill out... it should take 60 seconds of your time. http://bit.ly/AhnQzW

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lundi, la pluie!

Another grey Monday! Well at least students had fun working on their "Perspective box" assignments... and making a mess of the classroom! Hopefully, students will remember to bring all of the necessary supplies to school. Many students have already assembled decent scenes!

As well, students worked on their "Croissance et changement" histoire units...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jeudi, la neige arrive t'il?

This morning, students in 86 and 87 had their "Histoire Jumpstart Folder" homework checked. Most students worked very hard to complete the assignment within the timeline alotted.

Monsieur Wanie assigned the latest "Histoire" assignment. "Chapitre 1: Croissance et Changement", questions VTC #1,2,3,6,7 and ATC #5 as the cover page. Due on Monday, January 30th.

For students who wanted a link to information on Samuel Cunard, check this site out! Tons of information on the history and fleet of the Cunard Lines. http://chriscunard.com

The Carpathia

Ski day tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mercredi, le gele apres la pluie.

Today started off with students working on their "Histoire Jump-start" folders and the questions relating to the Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada.

Later in the day, students worked at their "Perspective box" projects...

Not too stressful of a day! Especially with the sun shining through the class windows!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mardi pluvieux.

Today, classes began with a peer-correction of their "Test de Grammaire". Hopefully it helped students understand any errors they may have made and gave them some confidence in their own results... Most students did really well!

Later in the day, 86 and 87 worked on their "perspective box" project...

And everyone also had an opportunity to work on the "Histoire Jump-Start" folders.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lundi, gris. Mais une belle journee tout de meme.

Today, students in 86 and 87 had their "Histoire" homework checked. A few students did not complete the assignment! Students: report cards are coming up soon! Be sure to have all of your work complete. A reminder also that extra help is always available before 8:30am!

Students began working on the latest "Histoire jump-start folder" questions that relate to the Rebellions of 1837-1838 in Upper and Lower Canada...

In the afternoon, students began the mock-up of their "forced perspective box project".

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vendredi, enfin la neige!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie checked that all students brought their shoe-boxes for the project that starts on Monday. Students began planning their "Pin-hole, forced perspective project" after a lesson on "forced perspective" and the "pin-hole" viewpoint concept.

As well, students worked on their "Histoire jumpstart folder" questions. The questions are due this Thrusday!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jeudi, la pluie en deluge!

This morning, classes began working on the questions that accompany the "Histoire" jumpstart folders... 26 questions about the Canadian constitutions...

As well, Marcy came in to hand out the "optional attendance" forms and discuss students' futures!

A not so subtle reminder: Students! Bring your shoebox to school tomorrow!!! You will need it for our next art assignment!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mercredi, un peu de soleil.

Well, today was a busy day!

Students continued reading their French novels.

Monsieur Wanie handed back the "Geographie" #2 keyword assignment. Most students did very well! Lots of work and thought was evident in the assignments.

As well, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "Les eaux dangeureuses/En motoneige" tests. Again, most were well done.

Students wrote marks for both of these assignments into their agendas.

Monsieur Wanie was working on the first information letter about the Camp Arowhon (sic)trip. The trip will take place between the 11th and 15th of June at a cost of $395... More information to come.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mardi, un peu gris, mais 3 degrees celsius...

Today, students worked diligently on their "Histoire" homework questions. Students were asked to read the "Pre-Chapter" in the ratty, old (but better written) "Histoire" textbooks. Students have only three questions to complete for homework, due tomorrow (Wednesday).

As well, students were asked to bring a shoebox to school to use in an art project that classes will begin on Monday.

And, at the end of the day, 86 had an opportunity to get back into reading their chosen French reading books.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lundi, le retour des vacances!

We're back! The end of the first full term is a month away... A little paragraph to think about:

"A successful student is one who pushes past adversity, who is determined and persistent, who has the ability to overcome obstacles and makes no excuses. If you are someone who will do whatever it takes to get something done, you have the capacity to achieve greatness."

Today, Monsieur Wanie assigned the "Pre-Chapter" of "Histiore" and a few questions to go with it due on Wednesday. It speaks of British North America in the 1860s, and Prince Edward Albert's visit to the colony.

As well, students handed-in the keyword assignment from before the break. And a few stragglers handed-in their "Grands Canadiens" assignment.