Monday, January 16, 2012

Lundi, gris. Mais une belle journee tout de meme.

Today, students in 86 and 87 had their "Histoire" homework checked. A few students did not complete the assignment! Students: report cards are coming up soon! Be sure to have all of your work complete. A reminder also that extra help is always available before 8:30am!

Students began working on the latest "Histoire jump-start folder" questions that relate to the Rebellions of 1837-1838 in Upper and Lower Canada...

In the afternoon, students began the mock-up of their "forced perspective box project".


Isabelle said...

Monsieur wanie I was sick today and may be tomorrow just to let you know I will have the Histoire questions when I come back and get the new ones

DRU said...

Isabelle: Alright kid, get well!