Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mardi, le gris...

Today, Monsieur Wanie took several periods to have a discussion with classes 86 and 87 about their "Histoire" chapter. Hopefully students found the discussion helpful. It was great that so many students participated so well.

Students, remember:
1. Your book report is due tomorrow.
2. If you need more time to use the "Histoire" textbook, come in early.
3. Tomorrow the new "Geo" assignment will be discussed and a due-date given!


Sarah said...

How many characteristics should we have for our character?

Anonymous said...

sarah: this is just a suggestion. i think that 3 is good enough. that makes sense.

jahmylla said...

can i please have an extension on the book report?

Anonymous said...

when we pick a character does it have to be a person? can it be an animal as well?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I did 3 as well. Also Mr.Wanie we don't have a very big space to write about the characters so should we just write in the space provided or is it better if we write on the back?

Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie I have the same question as Lilly, is it okay to write on the back? There's only about 4 lines and that might be the type of linepaper but still

Isabelle said...

Also is there more to the opinions-pensees than just writing what you think of the book?

Isabelle said...

Oh right nevermind I know you're supposed to do the whole connection thing. But what if you can't really find any connections to a ghost story?

DRU said...

Sarah: You should be able to describe your character without counting how many characteristics...

Leya: Thanks Leya but I would prefer to not give rigid parameters.

Jahmylla: One day extension.

Leya: It doesn't have to be a person if the animal in question has a personality.

Lilly: Keep it short but use the back if necessary.

Isabelle: There is much more to the "Opinion-pensees" part! This was explained in class: You can also write about what the book makes you think of, a movie, an experience you've had etc... I'm sure you can find something to connect it to.

Isabelle said...

Ok thanks Monsieur Wanie I'm pretty sure I did that in my Opinions-Pensees. Is it ok that I wrote about all the connections of one thing compared to the book? Just making sure.