Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mercredi gris et humide...

Both 86 and 87 had a hard-working Wednesday.

In the three periods that students had in homeroom, students worked on their "Histoire, Chapitre 3" that is due on Friday, did some silent reading of their French reading books, and finally, everyone worked on their "A travers les annees" "Geographie" assignment.

Not a real exciting day but a very productive one! (Except perhaps for a few students from 86!)


Larry said...

Monsieur Wanie when are we expected to finish our french reading books?

Katie-Jane Flach said...

Mr. Wanie I was wondering, what chapter for history are we doing now? Also do we need to make the headlines in a specific way, as our cover page or can we do anything with them in a creative way??

DRU said...

Larry: You should be finished by Monday. I'll be assigning a report on Friday that will be due on Wednesday.

Katie-Jane: "Chapitre 3", the headline are just that. Simple. No cover page necessary for this assignment.