Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mercredi, il fais frais mais au moins il fait soleil.

Today, Monsieur Wanie had a discussion with students about how their "Geographie" clothing assignments were going. Many students have done their research to find out about the working conditions in the garment industry... Most reports don't paint a pretty picture of the industry...

Students worked on their "Histoire" assignments as well. Some students were able to go to the library to research the question on why it took until 1949 for Newfoundland to join Confederation...

As well, we all had a visit from some administrators from other schools...


Anonymous said...

hey my book is about a sweatshop. And are these assignment going towards our first term or second term report cards?

Anonymous said...

and what does this mean
"Arrestation du couple Delgouffre au passe charge..."

DRU said...

Najat: Interesting coincidence! 2nd term. "The arrest of the Delgouffre couple in the past charged with..."