Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mercredi, la tempete, peut-etre?

Today, students handed-in their "conte rendu", switched up their French reading books and had a silent reading period.

As well, students noted the two latest "Tex and Tammy" web pages on "avoir" and "faire" expressions, that need to be completed for Monday.

Monsieur Wanie lead a brief discussion and assigned a chart and four questions on economic systems, quality of life and the cycle of poverty... due-date TBD.

And congrats to Micaiah for that rap at the Black History Month assembly! Good job kid!


Anonymous said...

Mr.Wanie when is the due date for the Geographie assignment?

Anonymous said...

Also, I won't be at school on Friday so can I please hand the Histoire in on Monday?

DRU said...
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DRU said...

Lilly: "Geographie"-Vendredi le 9 mars. "Histoire"-fine for Monday.