Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mercredi, ou est le soleil?

Today is the first day after report cards were sent out. Hopefully all parents and guardians who wish to have interviews at Winona have signed up online or with teachers personally.

In the morning Monsieur Wanie collected forms and cash for "The Sanctuary Song".

As well, students had a class discussion on "Sustainable development" and Monsieur Wanie assigned a project that encourages students to reflect on land use and bringing agriculture to the city.


Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie when will the sustainable development project be due? I was aso wondering if I could come in one morning to discuss if I have missed any assignments since I have been absent a lot I may have missed something. Thank you!

DRU said...

Isabelle: We'll decide on due-dates tomorrow. There are a few more questions to add to it. Come in early to find out what you need to get caught up on.