Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jeudi, encore le beau temps!

So, today, 87 had a double period to work on their "Histoire, Chapitre 7". Monsieur Wanie has observed that most students are doing a great job of researching the chapter in order to answer the questions!

Later in the day, classes worked on their "post-war house" assignment. There are lots of great looking projects on the way!

Here's a good link on the Dominion Lands Act for "Histoire, Chapitre 7".


Patrick said...

Hey Mr.Wanie can I get an extention for my histoire? Just until Monday.

DRU said...

Patrick: Nope, sorry Patrick, you can hand in whatever you have tomorrow and the rest on Monday.

Julia said...

Can I please do the same as Patrick>

DRU said...

Julia: You're taking a chance!