Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jeudi, le gris et la pluie.

Today, students had a variety of things to work on.

Students read their French independent reading books, continued working on their "Geographie" assignment due tomorrow and worked for a bit on the post-war house project.

A few students helped Monsieur Wanie plant the trees students had made on the railroad. Hopefully, the week after the break, students will be able to begin making more trees and get into the next "Geo" assignment as it relates to the railroad!


Noah Walsh said...

sorry i know you said no questions on the blog last minute but could you maybe explain Q 4 geography>

Carol said...

Mr.Wanie, how would you consider the Cree's future?

DRU said...

Noah: Come in early and ask!

Carol: Well, as we discussed in Histoire, we already know their future was pretty bad. The Canadian Government forced them onto reserves, expected them to become farmers, and shun their heritage and former way of life.