Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jeudi, toujours gris.

Wow, another whirlwind day at Winona!

Today, students handed-in their "Histoire, Chapitre 8" assignments. It seems that more than a few will be handed-in late...

Monsieur Wanie assigned "Histoire, Chapitre 9". The chapter talks about one of Canada's most important periods of growth, from 1867 through 1920. There was a class discussion on some of the questions and students got right down to business.

Tomorrow is sure to be a fun day. The Junior Achievement people will be in to present to students and lead them through activities all day! Several different teachers will be in to supervise in the morning and Ms Anastasiadis will be in during the afternoon... Hopefully, students will be at their most well behaved!


Anonymous said...

For the timeline does it actually have to be a timeline or can we just put all our information in order written out cause i have a lot of information.

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

for the post war house.. do we have to leave one cm. of the house including the front porch as well as the yard. and how we supposed to decorate it with only 1 cm to add things, like on the yard. if u can, could u quickly build a simple model of what we are supposed to do. its still a little fuzzy. sorry if this confuses you.

p.s. the comment page format is different.

Anonymous said...

actually its ok. ill just come early tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Wanie for the Chapter 8 histoire in question 3 when it asks what are some of the reasons that the government advertisments purposely mislead people one of my reasons is that they needed more farmers because great britain and canada were both buying wheat from the factories in canada so they needed to produce more wheat. Is that correct?

Anonymous said...

oh is it true that the industrial revolution took place during 1750-1850?

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

or was the industrial revolution from 1860- 1900? or am i just confused? or when was the industrial revolution? thats probably a better answer

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

*better question

Anonymous said...

For the explaination of an invetnion or innovation that had an impact on that era of change is the light bulb okay to do?

Thanks Najat 8/7

DRU said...

Najat: Sounds fine.

Leya: A half cm of base on either side, one out past the porch, and none at the back. Come in early on Monday morning?

Lilly: Excellent! (I think you meant FOR the factories)...

Najat: In Britain, it was mainly from 1790-1850. But it started in the early 1800s and lasted into the early 1900s in Canada. For the invention or innovation, it had to be a Canadian one... Thomas Edison (commonly known as the inventor of the light bulb) was American.

Larry said...

Mr.Wanie how much of the back or the house do we cut off. Was it 1cm?

Larry said...

also, if we have separate items other than a tree such as a swing or mailbox, do you want us to bring it in to put on the railroad separately or try to integrate it onto our limited space?

DRU said...

Larry: You had to cut off all but 1cm of house... In other words, your house should be showing 1cm of roof instead of ten or whatever it was... Bring the other stuff in and we'll see how we can incorporate it.

Anonymous said...

hey mr.wanie do you think we will ever get our houses back? or will they stay in the classroom forever? cause I've spent a really long time on mine and I've started to get kind of attached to it.

Thanks Najat 8/7

DRU said...

Najat: Seriously? You're going to high school next year, what are you going to do with it anyway?