Monday, March 26, 2012

Lundi, le soleil, le froid et le vent! Joyeuse semaine, Monsieur Rowinsky!

This morning, students brought all their "Post-war house" assignments to class to hand them in. There are quite a few excellent projects! Many students incorporated different materials and concepts to include trees and gardens into their work. Good job kids! Tomorrow, there will be a peer evaluation period where we'll select the best ones for the railroad!

As well in the morning, students worked on their French reading books and reports.

And students had their progress check for their "Projet de pays en development" assignment.

Later in the day, Monsieur Wanie assigned the "Histoire, Chapitre 8" questions. Monsieur Wanie conducted a short discussion to preface tomorrow's unit discussion. Check the questions out below:

"Histoire, Chapitre 8"
Verifie tes connaissances- #1, 3, 4(cover page)
Applique tes connaissances- #4
-A rendre jeudi, le 29 mars.

Next progress check for the "Projet de pays en development": Lundi, le 2 avril!


Katie-Jane Flach said...

Monsieur Wanie,

How many of the houses will be selected to be put on the railroad? Also, what is a "Prairie Homesteader" from the History Chapter 8? Thanks!


Larry said...

When are we expected to finish our french reading books by?
Thanks, Larry

Patrick said...

Hey monsieur wanie, I have tour band tommorow morning so is it ok if I hand it in during class?

DRU said...

Katie: Not sure how many houses. We'll all decide together. In this case, a prairie homesteader is someone to whom a plot of land was given by the government.

Larry: Friday.

Patrick: Come hand it in just before the bell.